
This page contains Appendices for Heritage University's 2025 Policies, Resources, and Financial Resources Review (PRFR). 

Appendix A - Strategic Plan

Appendix B - Heritage University Bylaws

Appendix C - HU Board of Directors Resolution Establishing Standing Committees

Appendix D - Board Policies and Procedures

Appendix E - Heritage University Institutional Policies

Appendix F - Faculty Handbook

Appendix G - 1.b Governance Structure Policy from Institutional Policies

Appendix H - 1.1 Governance Structure from Faculty Handbook 

Appendix I - Board of Directors Policy Review Calendar

Appendix J - IRS 501c3 Articles of Incorporation and Name Change

Appendix K - Section 2.11.1 from the Faculty Handbook

Appendix L - 1.f Academic Freedom Policy of the Board of Directors from Board Policies and Procedures

Appendix M - Employee Handbook

Appendix N - 7 Workplace Practices from Employee Handbook

Appendix O - Sections 8.1 Staff Development, Performance, and Conduct, 8.2 Training and Development Programs, and 8.3 Informally Auditing Courses and Heritage University from the Employee Handbook

Appendix P - Section 4.3 Classification: Hiring, Promotion, and Transfer from Employee Handbook

Appendix Q - Section 3.6 Separation of Employment from Employee Handbook

Appendix R - Section 2.2 Faculty Workload from Faculty Handbook

Appendix S - Section 2.4.1 Procedures for Regular-ranked Faculty Contracts from Faculty Handbook

Appendix T - Section 2.5 Evaluation from Faculty Handbook

Appendix U - HU Organizational Chart

Appendix V - Section 8.2 Training and Development Programs from Employee Handbook

Appendix W - Article VIII Committees from Staff Senate Bylaws

Appendix X - Employee Performance Review

Appendix Y - Faculty Days Agendas

Appendix Z - Section Faculty Professional Development Committee from Faculty Handbook

Appendix AA - All University Day Agenda Questions and Feedback

Appendix BB - YVC Transfer Guide

Appendix CC - Articulation Agreement CBC and HU

Appendix DD - Section 2.4 Employee Grievance/Complaint Process from Employee Handbook

Appendix EE - Section 2.5 Discrimination or Harassment Grievance/Complaint Process from Employee Handbook

Appendix FF - 1.b.E Issues Resolution Committee from Governance Structures Policy

Appendix GG - Issues Resolution Committee from Faculty Handbook

Appendix HH - 1.a Conflict of Interest Board Policies and Procedures

Appendix II - 4.k Conflict of Interest (Employee) from Heritage University Institutional Policies

Appendix JJ - Conflict of Interest and Commitment from Employee Handbook

Appendix KK - Andrew Sund CV

Appendix LL - David Wise Resume

Appendix MM - Analysis of Faculty Effectiveness/Performance Assessment Summary

Appendix NN - Faculty Evaluation Procedures Documents

Appendix OO - Saundra Fleming resume

Appendix PP - Corey Hodge CV

Appendix QQ - Section 6.b Communications Policy

Appendix RR - Section 8.1 Staff Performance Evaluations

Appendix SS - Section Committee on Evaluation and Multi-year Appointments

Appendix TT - UG Teacher Prep 2024 Handbook

Appendix UU - NC-SARA Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education

Appendix VV - NWCCU - Distance Education Policy

Appendix WW - Online Course Design Training

Appendix XX - MIT 2024 Handbook

Appendix YY - Educational Administration Intern Handbook

Appendix ZZ - Business Continuation and Disaster Recovery Plan 2024

Appendix AAA - 1.c Records Management Policy 

Appendix BBB - 3.a Information Technology Appropriate Use

Appendix CCC - 3.b Data Security Policy cover confidentiality, responsibility, and protecting data 

Appendix DDD - 5.g FERPA Policy 

Appendix EEE - 7.g Emergency Plan which includes cybersecurity issues 

Appendix FFF - Melissa Hill CV

Appendix GGG - Section four Certification Information in UG Teacher Prep Handbook

Appendix HHH - Section four Certification Information in MIT Handbook

Appendix III - HU BSN Student Handbook 

Appendix JJJ - HU Resolution re Financial Authority - October 2022

Appendix KKK - HU Board Financial Policies

Appendix LLL - Financial Aid Policy and Procedure

Appendix MMM - Loan Procedure section from Financial Aid Policy and Procedure

Appendix NNN - Heritage University Procurement Policy

Appendix OOO - Grants Management Handbook

Appendix PPP - Risk Management and Related Control Systems

Appendix QQQ - Master Equipment Lifecycle Plan

Appendix RRR - Plant Equipment Replacement Plan

Appendix SSS - Faculty Scholarship Series FA 24 poster

Appendix TTT - HU Chemical Hygiene Plan