Free Microsoft Office 365 for HU Students{expander}

Did you know that Microsoft Office is free for all current students, at no additional cost? For a full set of instructions on how to install Microsoft Office, visit MyHeritage for the full set of instructions.

  1. Log into MyHeritage:
  2. Hover of the “Help Center” tab on the blue header
  3. Select, “Office 365”.
  4. Read and follow the instructions.

Need assistance? Visit IT

Printing On Campus{expander}

Printing on Campus

Each student has a $12.50 printing balance each term. Printing balance is essentially how much funds you have to print. You can print from anywhere on campus as long as you have a printing balance AND are signed into a student computer station or have the Papercut printing installed on your laptop.

There are multiple ways you can check your printing balance; here are two. One way to check is by logging onto any computer station on campus. Find your printing balance in the upper right-hand corner of the screen in a light green box. The second way is to check your printing balance directly from MyHeritage. To do so, follow these steps.

Checking Your Printing Balance using MyHeritage 

  1. Log into MyHeritage:
  2. Hover over the “Students” tab on the blue header
  3. Select “Printing”
  4. Your printing balance will be under “Your Print Balance is:”

Installing Papercut to Print from your Laptop

To install printing on your computer, visit MyHeritage for the set of instructions.

  1. Log into MyHeritage:
  2. Hover over the “Help Center” tab on the blue header
  3. Select “Printing”
  4. Follow the instructions in “PaperCut Windows Installation” OR “PaperCut Mac Installation.” 
  5. Lastly, follow the instructions under “Installing a Network Printer.”


What you need to know

you can add money to your printing balance at the front desk in the library. However, it is important that you only add what you will use because your balance will reset at the start of each term.

How to Scan Documents Using Your Phone{expander}

What is scanning?

Scanning is taking a physical paper and making a digital PDF copy. Most phones today have a built-in scanning tool or have the features needed to access a scanning tool. 

How to scan with a phone



Translating Online Webpages{expander}