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Menjelajahi Dunia Mobil dengan AKNusantara There are 2 replies:
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Menjelajahi Dunia Mobil dengan AKNusantara Original post: Tue 4/30/2024 at 10:20 PM

Dalam era dimana informasi dapat diakses dengan cepat melalui internet, banyak penggemar otomotif mencari website yang terpercaya untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru, ulasan, dan petunjuk seputar kendaraan bermotor. Salah satu blog yang juga referensi utama bagi para pecinta mobil adalah AKNusantara. Dengan fokus pada ragam merek dan jenis mobil, AKNusantara menawarkan konten-konten yang edukatif dan menyenangkan bagi para pembaca.

Situs AKNusantara merupakan blog otomotif yang established oleh sekelompok pecinta mobil yang memiliki kecintaan dan wawasan tentang dunia otomotif di Indonesia. Weblog ini mulanya dimulai beberapa tahun lalu dengan misi untuk memberi informasi terkini seputar dunia mobil kepada orang-orang Indonesia.Dengan semangat yang tinggi untuk menjadi sumber daya informasi terpercaya, AKNusantara terus berkembang tiap tahun. Konten-konten yang ditampilkan pun semakin lebih beragam, mulai dari ulasan mobil paling baru, tips perawatan, dan juga liputan acara otomotif nasional dan dunia.

AKNusantara biasanya menjadi tempat yang tepat untuk menemui ulasan lengkap tentang kendaraan baru-baru ini yang diluncurkan di market Indonesia. Mulai dari mobil keluarga, SUV, sampai mobil sport, setiap satu tipe dianalisis secara detail mulai dari performa mesin, fitur keselamatan, dan desain luarannya dan interior.Bagi mereka yang pemilik, perbaikan yang bagus sangatlah menjadi kunci untuk memastikan mobil tetap dalam keadaan tertinggi. AKNusantara memberikan berbagai petunjuk perawatan mulai dari renewal oli, pemeliharaan kabin mobil, hingga cara membersihkan mobil bagian dalam dengan benar. Tak ketinggalan, AKNusantara juga menyediakan sumber utama untuk mengakses berita paling baru seputar dunia otomotif. Mulai dari berita tentang evolusi teknologi mobil, keputusan pemerintah terkait otomotif, sampai informasi tentang kegiatan otomotif domestik dan global.Untuk orang-orang yang sedang berencana untuk mendapatkan mobil baru, AKNusantara menyediakan panduan yang informatif untuk menunjang pembaca memilih mobil yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan budget mereka.

Panduan ini mencakup berbagai segmen mulai dari fitur, performa, harga, sampai perbandingan antara model-model yang sama.Selain, konten-konten praktis, AKN juga menampilkan artikel-artikel inspiratif yang menyoroti kisah-kisah unik berkaitan dengan lapangan otomotif.

Mulai dari petualangan dengan kendaraan klasik, sampai rekam jejak pembalap dan ahli mesin terkenal, semua artikel di situs ini mampu memotivasi pembacanya.Sebuah hal yang membuat AKNusantara sebagai salah satu rujukan prima bagi pecinta otomotif adalah kepercayaannya. Website ini dipimpin oleh grup yang terdiri dari para spesialis otomotif dan jurnalis yang berpengalaman, sehingga semua posting yang disajikan layak dipercaya dan informatif. AKNusantara tak hanya menghadirkan ulasan mobil terbaru, melainkan juga berbagai posting menarik lainnya seperti petunjuk perawatan, berita otomotif update, panduan pembelian mobil, dan tulisan inspiratif.

Hal ini menjadikan pembaca menikmati tidak hanya mendapatkan informasi, namun juga hiburan dan inspirasi.AKNusantara juga aktif berinteraksi dengan pembacanya melalui macam-macam platform media sosial. Pembaca dapat sharing pengalaman, menanyakan, atau bahkan menyampaikan masukan melalui komentar-komentar di website atau direct message melalui media sosial.Antarmuka website AKNusantara dibuat dengan sempurna untuk memastikan pengalaman pengguna yang seru. Navigasi yang simpel, tata letak yang tertata, dan loading yang gesit membuat pengguna nyaman berlama-lama menjelajahi isi-isi yang ditawarkan.

Situs ini telah menjadi salah satu sumber informasi yang bisa diandalkan bagi para pecinta otomotif di Indonesia. Lewat posting-posting yang informatif, macam-macam, dan seru, blog ini berhasil memenuhi kebutuhan pembacanya akan informasi terkini seputar dunia mobil. Bantuan dari pembaca setia dan komitmen tim yang mengurusnya menjadikan AKNusantara sebagai salah satu blog otomotif terkemuka di Indonesia.Dengan demikian, bagi siapa pun yang ingin mendapatkan informasi yang bisa diandalkan tentang mobil, AKNusantara adalah tempat yang pas untuk dikunjungi. Dari ulasan mobil paling mutakhir hingga tips perawatan yang guna, blog ini memiliki segala yang Anda butuhkan untuk selalu terhubung dengan dunia otomotif.

555 words - excluding quoted text
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Re: Menjelajahi Dunia Mobil dengan AKNusantara Posted: Thu 5/2/2024 at 6:03 AM, in reply to guest guest







A top ranked Burnaby SEO agency

Increase Inbound Inquiries by 100-500+% Within 12 Months!

Build visibility and credibility online and outrank your competitors on Google.


Get a FREE SEO Audit Today

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Here is what a few of our clients have to say

As a result of First Rank's efforts, call volume tripled for service work. Our website has become significantly more searchable, which has increased site traffic. Looking at our keywords, we appear in two postings on the first page and high in local results. We’re ranking quite high for all of the search items we wanted to rank for. The positive results were instantaneous.
- Daniel Hartley - Powertec
We had incredible results for the SEO project including several hundred thousand views. We also sold $150,000–$200,000 worth of product as a result of First Rank’s SEO efforts. Additionally, three of the articles that we wrote are now on the first page of Google. As a result, we’ve had a number of inquiries, particularly in the last couple of months, and several of them will result in significant sales. They’re a great team to work with... The analytics report that they provide every month is great. Whenever I ask them to do something, it’s typically done in 24 hours. We communicate via email, text, and phone, and we also meet face-to-face periodically.
Ted Cullen - QuikTherm
We continue to be satisfied with their services and the results. The work that Jacob and his team is doing has provided us with phenomenal traction. Before working with them, we were hovering around page two or three on a dozen keywords that were important to us. Now, we’re consistently ranking either one, two, or three on all the keywords and key searches that we wanted to be ranked on, which has been huge. We’ve also seen our numbers go from an average of 10 requests per month to about 30. It’s been a great partnership.
- Gaurav Bhatt - PrintPro
For most of the keywords, we ranked in the top three search results if not the first result. Their team maintained those rankings too. We eventually reached close to the top three search results for the other keywords. First Rank had a big impact on our business. They were directly responsible for a 2-times increase in our business...The qualities that make them stand out are integrity and communication. Jacob’s one of the nicest entrepreneurs that I know. As a result of his quality coaching, we maintained a relationship throughout the project.
- Donald Spann - Companion Maids

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Burnaby SEO

From the tranquility of Burnaby Lake to the breathtaking view at the summit of Burnaby Mountain, it’s easy to see why people keep travelling to Burnaby, whether it’s as tourists or to become residents of the City.

But this isn’t a tourism pitch. You know Burnaby is beautiful – you also know that the City is a great place to do business. You want to turn those residents and tourists into paying customers.

There’s stiff competition for the money to be won in Burnaby. The population keeps growing, and the city’s blooming reputation as a tech hub is attracting a highly educated, highly competitive workforce. To stand out from the crowd and win business, you need a way to cut through all the noise. A way to cut through advertisements being blasted around the whole of Metro Vancouver. A way to target the people who are actively searching for the kinds of products and services you provide.

You need SEO in Canada.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about getting your business to perform well in search engines. We can break down how search engines work into two core steps:

  1. The user submits a query into the search engine.
  2. The search engine finds relevant results for that query, and populates the search engine results pages (SERPs) with those results, with the pages the search engine deems most relevant at the top of the first page.

SEO, then, is all about figuring out which queries (what we call keywords) are most relevant to your business, then getting your website as close to the top of the SERPs as possible for those keywords.

A targeted approach

This makes SEO a targeted approach – the clients we’re going to bring to your door are people who are actively looking up terms that are relevant to your business. Oftentimes, these terms will be what we call “SiLs” – service-in-location searches.

Imagine, for example, you have a store that specializes in hiking boots – a search for “hiking boots in Burnaby” is one you’d absolutely want to come up first for. What’s more, by popping up first in the results, it makes it less likely that the user will go to your competitor.

In other words, SEO allows you to play both offence and defence, all while targeting the most valuable clients.

Modern techniques for a modern city

The average age in Burnaby is around 40 – that means there are a lot of Millennials and Zoomers in the city who primarily access information online. Moreover, Burnaby has a very highly educated population – we’re talking about a group of tech-savvy people, here.

SEO holistically boosts your entire online presence – it’s not surprising that what Google and other search engines really care about is how relevant and well-built your website is. So, while SEO’s goal is always to boost your ranking for relevant keywords, we’ll do that by improving everything that you do online.

For a city filled with tech companies and a population hungry for information, SEO is absolutely perfect.

We’re going to work with you to make your website the best it can be – to create content that helps search engine users answer their queries. Their first experience with you will be a positive one – they had questions, and you provided the answers. They’ll navigate your website and find that it’s easy to use – all the pages loading quickly, and all of the information relevant and timely.

mobile search results

Why SEO is right for Burnaby

Honestly, SEO is a really good idea for any city with a lot of Internet users. There are, however, some traits unique to Burnaby that make it particularly well-suited to a certain suite of SEO techniques.

There’s a surprising number of magicians on the First Rank team (that’s not a euphemism for “technical magic” – I mean, literal magicians). While a lot of magic is about sleight-of-hand, it can be just as impressive to put your cards face up on the table – when you see all the effort and thought that goes into a trick, it can blow your mind all over again.

So we’re going to put our cards on the table and tell you about some of our tactics for SEO in the City of Burnaby:

Community matters

The first thing to keep in mind is that Burnaby is a fairly densely populated city – there are hundreds of thousands of people who we can attract to your business using SEO. For that reason, it’s a good idea to cast both wide and narrow nets.

Instead of targeting all of Burnaby with pages about “Hiking boots in Burnaby”, we can instead target neighbourhoods. Someone in Burnaby Heights doesn’t just want to know where they can find hiking boots in Burnaby if it means they’ll have to travel all the way over to Sullivan Heights.

By instead targeting those neighbourhoods individually (especially if you have multiple locations), we can encourage more traffic from people who want to find a store that sells hiking boots as close to them as possible.

Breaking up Burnaby into smaller segments allows you to rank better for location-specific keywords – in turn, those extra clicks will lead to your whole site ranking better for Burnaby-related searches. Eventually, whether people are looking Burnaby-wide or just in Brentwood for your services, you’ll pop up near (or at) the top.

Working From Home Is Now More Important Than Ever

Reach the Metro

Of course, one of the advantages to living in Burnaby is that you have access to customers from all around the Vancouver Metro. We can target those clients, too.

For example, a business with a location in Eastburn could easily attract clients from New Westminster – especially from neighbourhoods like Glenbrooke North. SEO grants your business the ability to target neighbourhoods in a very granular fashion like this. You can easily see how the same logic could apply to a business in Sullivan Heights wanting to sell to neighbourhoods in Coquitlam, like Burquitlam.

As your rank and reputation continue to grow, you can target more and more different neighbourhoods and cities in the Metro. Of course, exactly what tactics you’ll deploy will depend on your industry and the areas you serve – but in the world of SEO, the room for expansion is always there.

Cut through the noise

We’ve already talked about what a competitive space Burnaby is – that’s, in part, a consequence of all the other important, business-friendly cities in the area. When you’re competing with giant corporations who headquarter their business in the Metro, it can be hard to find a voice in traditional media.

SEO is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy because you don’t need to compete for attention with everyone else – you just need to compete on the SERPs. The customers who are looking up relevant keywords are already interested in what you have to offer, so it’s even easier to sell them what you’ve got – as long as you’re popping up before your competition in the results.

Bring everyone into the fold

And honestly? Traditional marketing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It has its uses – it’s really good at changing attitudes. But most small and medium-sized businesses don’t have the brand reach for changed attitudes to matter – you want to change behaviours.

What’s more, there are a lot of people in Burnaby who are not tapped into traditional media. They’re not watching cable and listening to the radio – they’re using the Internet to find what they need. That might be because they’re newly immigrated – over 50% of the city is populated by recent immigrants, after all. It might also be because they’re young.

And, really, think about how you found this page – it was through Google, wasn’t it? Digital marketing is incredibly effective.
group of SEOs

Why First Rank?

So, you know what SEO is, and you know why it’s so effective for businesses in Burnaby. You might also know that there are a lot of SEO companies out there – so why choose ours?

Well, for starters…


We have a strategy for Burnaby

Everything a magician does, they do with intent – there are no wasted movements. There’s a reason we laid our cards on the table and told you some of the tactics that make SEO effective for Burnaby.

We want you to know that we have strategies specifically designed for Burnaby. We have strategies specifically designed for every major Canadian city.

Why? Because SEO isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Our strategies don’t just vary from city to city – they vary from business to business. That’s why you won’t find a generic pricing matrix on our site – our plans are custom-built to fit your needs.

Look, for most small and medium businesses, SEO is a local game – you want customers to come in the door (or at least make local delivery or service orders). Local searches on smartphones convert at an astonishing 28% rate.

On the flip side, over 90% of searches never make it past the first page of Google. In fact, only 0.78% of searchers ever click something on the second page. If you want those converting customers to buy something from your business, you need to get on page 1.

We’ll design a strategy to get you there. A strategy that focuses on the unique qualities of Burnaby and the people who live there.


We’re a Canadian company

We dedicate resources to learning about every major Canadian city because it’s the best strategy. The other reason we do it?

It gives us a good excuse to travel.

We’re a Canadian SEO agency, and we love Canada. You won’t have to worry about transatlantic time zone changes. We love taking on Canadian clients because it means we’re able to boost other Canadian businesses. And isn’t that what we all love?

Canadians helping Canadians.

We do everything in-house

SEO is a totally modern business – without the Internet, we quite obviously wouldn’t exist. That makes it very tempting to use the power of the Internet to outsource work – to writers, technical staff, project managers, and whomever else.

To be frank, we think that’s a bad idea. That’s why we do everything in-house.

We understand that outsourcing can make things less expensive. But we want to have tight quality controls. We want to be accountable for every decision we make – no cutting corners, and no passing the buck. If you ever have a question or concern, you’ll have direct access to the people making decisions. That’s the value of a clear managerial hierarchy – something you can only get when all your staff is in-house.


We work hard – nothing more, nothing less

There are a lot of people who try to take shortcuts with SEO – not us. Stay away from black hat SEOs who promise you a certain ranking by a certain time. Stay away from SEOs who use shady tactics in order to get you to the top quickly.

These strategies aren’t sustainable. What’s worse, engaging in them can seriously hurt your search results – Google might even remove your site from their service. They don’t like shady tactics – they like honest work.

That’s what we provide. SEO takes a lot of time and effort, but the end result is a holistically improved website that consistently ranks well for relevant keywords. It improves your results in search engines, it improves user experience, and it leads to higher conversion rates.

Hard work and experience. That’s all there is to it. Even though we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve, they all come down to elbow grease.

But what, exactly, are we working so hard at? Let’s take a peek behind the curtain:

How we do it

Google, its users, and your business all want the same thing: a website that provides relevant content and a positive experience to the people who land on it. That takes a lot more work than you might think at first. Here’s how we do it:


We choose our words carefully

The first step to any SEO strategy is to find the right keywords to target. We’ve already touched on this briefly with our hypothetical hiking boots store: queries like “Hiking boots in Burnaby” are obviously a great starting point.

Keywords have, broadly speaking, four qualities:

  • Relevance. “Burgers in Edmonton” won’t be a relevant search for our hiking boot business, so we wouldn’t target it. “Best places to hike near Burnaby”, on the other hand, is a great fit.
  • Popularity. “Best places to hike near Burnaby” isn’t that popular of a query – there are quite a number of searches, on the other hand, for “Burnaby hiking trails”. The more popular a keyword is, the better.
  • Competition. This is usually directly correlated with popularity – if a keyword is very popular, you’ll have a lot of competition for it. Holy Grail keywords are those with high popularity and low competition (so long, of course, as they’re relevant).
  • Intent. This describes what a user wants when they look for a keyword – someone looking up “Burnaby hiking trails” has what we would call informational intent – they want to learn more about hiking in and around Burnaby. Someone looking up “hiking boots Burnaby”, on the other hand, probably has commercial intent – they’re in the market for hiking boots. Informational intent is great for top-of-funnel brand awareness and general SEO boosting, while commercial intent is great for converting searches into sales.

We take a look at these qualities in every keyword we consider targeting – exactly which factors will be the most important varies substantially based on your business and what your primary SEO-related goals are.


We craft compelling content

Once we’ve figured out what keywords we want to target, we need to create content that matches those keywords. Our hiking boot business, for example, might do well with a piece of content titled “Top 10 Places to Hike near Burnaby”.

Content can take a wide variety of forms, from product pages (to attract commercial intent queries) to blogs (for informational queries, though we’ll always include some form of CTA). Videos, infographics – whatever we think is going to move the needle for your company, that’s what we’ll create. We make sure our content outdoes the content created by your competitors – getting clicks and sustained attention is one of the best ways of boosting your rank.

We reach out to the people who matter

Here’s a well-known secret in the SEO world – even if your website has the best content on the Internet for a given query, it doesn’t mean anything if no one is linking to it. In order to compete in the SERPs, you need friends in high places.

You need people to link to your content.

This is called off-page SEO, and estimates say it’s worth 50% or more of your total rank.

Off-page is incredibly important. You can’t, however, just grab links from any website – you need links from websites that are:

  • Seen as trustworthy by Google (in the SEO world, this is called a page or site’s authority)
  • Relevant to your industry
  • Relevant to your location (Burnaby, Metro Vancouver, etc.)

We use a number of techniques to get relevant, high authority sites to link to yours. The best way of going about this? Craft the content we just talked about, then let other websites know that you’ve got the best content about a particular topic on the Internet.


We give your website a tune-up

Neglect the back-end of your website at your own peril. Search engines care more and more about user experience on a site – how quickly pages load, how easy it is to interact with them, and how annoying your pop-ups are, can play a major role in how well your site ranks.

There are a lot of technical, behind-the-scenes ameliorations we give your website, from improving your site navigation and site structure to using specific tags to guide the behaviour of the bots who crawl your site on Google’s behalf. We could go on for hours about technical optimization – heck, we could go on for hours about Core Web Vitals alone – but we don’t want to get too nerdy here.

All you really need to know is that we’ll improve user experience on your site in many ways – loading speeds, navigation, and the like.

These improvements will make both people and bots happier. Finally, harmony between human and machine…

We help you handle reviews

As far as we can tell, reputation has been a capricious thing since the dawn of time. You can do all the good you want in the world, but if one very loud person claims otherwise, complete strangers start to shun your business.

It’s unfair, but it’s true. Fortunately, in our modern age, most people go to Google and other sites to see the reputation of a business. They see it through review scores.

Now, there are two good reasons to care about reviews: positive reviews bring in more customers, and constant reviews tell Google that your business is active. That means we want:

  • A large number of total reviews
  • New reviews coming in all the time
  • Positive reviews

For these reasons, we’ve created our own in-house review management software. It allows you to encourage customers to leave reviews, all while empowering you to handle customer complaints offline – without them ever posting a negative review.

No tricks - but it works like magic

Now you know what we do. You know how it can help you. We want to do business with you.

We don’t just take anyone. We only take clients if we’re sure we can provide them with a positive ROI. We aim for an ROI above 100% – we’ve had clients with 200%-500% ROI. If you’re the right fit, you could be one of them

So go to our home page, and use our audit tool. We’ll send you detailed information about how we can beat out your competitors to get you higher in the SERPs.

But the audit is just the beginning. Speak to our experts today – we’re excited to talk to you. We’re excited about SEO in Burnaby.

We’re First Rank, and we’re here to grow your business


Contact Us

Please call (204) 272-7265 or fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours. Also, make sure to follow us on social media
  • bbb logo
  • upcity logo
  • google partner logo
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The purpose of First Rank is to help businesses generate leads from their websites. We put a focus on SEO, because we believe it is one of the most cost effective and highest converting forms of traffic generation, however traffic alone is not enough on its own to grow your business. SEO should be combined with conversion optimization, email marketing and retargeting to maximize the ROI of your advertising dollars.

founder headshot
Jacob Kettner SEO Expert


3831 words - excluding quoted text
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Re: Menjelajahi Dunia Mobil dengan AKNusantara Posted: Thu 5/2/2024 at 6:04 AM, in reply to guest guest







Surrey scrap car removal services


Scrap Car Removal Surrey


When Surrey needs scrap car removal services, they turn to More Cash For Scrap. We strive to live up to our name everyday by paying MORE cash for scrap cars than any other junk car removal company in Surrey.

Since 2005, we’ve been buying scrap cars in every part of the Surrey area, and always offer MORE cash for scrap cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans than the other guys. That’s because as an experienced junk car buyer, we know and appreciate the true value in each and every vehicle we scrap for our customers.


We’ve combine our knowledge with exceptional customer service and a prompt scrap car removal service, and that’s what’s made us #1 in all of Metro Vancouver.

Surrey Junk Car Removal Services

Whether you’re selling a scrap car, scrap truck, scrap SUV, or scrap van, we’ll buy it and pay you MORE cash for it than anyone else. Also, we offer free towing services for all of our scrap car removals done in and around the Hope area, and we always pay our customers in cash on the spot.

What We Offer:

  • Instant cash offers on all scrap vehicles over the phone or thru text
  • Same day junk car removal
  • Free towing services & roadside car removal after an accident or breakdown
  • A professional, licensed, reliable junk car buying service
  • The best customer service in the scrap car removal industry
  • MORE cash for scrap cars than the other guys!

There is nothing stopping you from getting MORE cash for scrap cars in Surrey, and less junk vehicle sitting in your driveway. We are just a call or text away, and our team of scrap car removal specialists are always happy to answer any questions you might have. Plus, we always pay MORE!

Get MORE Cash for Scrap Cars in Surrey

scrap car removal


Have an older vehicle in Surrey that’s ready for the car scrapyard? Or maybe it’s just not in good shape or has some mechanical issues that you just don’t have time for? You may even have a hidden gem with an older or vintage vehicle that’s just been sitting in your driveway collecting dust.

We love to buy all kinds of vehicles regardless of their age or condition. We can offer more cash for scrap cars, trucks, SUVs, and minivans than most other scrap car removal companies are willing to pay.

That’s because we work with other local businesses to maximize what we can offer on the scrap metal that we get from your junk car or truck. If you want to turn your used vehicle into instant cash, we are by far the fastest and easiest way to do it. We are the experts in the junk car removal industry. Just give us a call or text today to get an instant scrap car removal CASH offer.

Why Surrey Chooses Us for Scrap Car Removal

With so many scrap car removal companies in the Surrey and Metro Vancouver area, you may be asking yourself why people choose our scrap car removal services over anyone else? Well, aside from the fact that we have been in business since 2005, and always pay MORE cash for scrap cars, there are a long list of reasons…

1.We Pay MORE Cash for Scrap Cars in Surrey

We have a great need for all types of scrap cars, junk trucks, used SUVs, and vans. Plus, we always offer the most money for your junk vehicle because we have such low overhead to facilitate paying our customers MORE. In fact, several Metro Vancouver car dealerships use our services to sell off their scrap vehicles and older cars.

2.Exceptional Customer Service

Nobody does it better when it comes to delivering exceptional customer service. We value your feedback because we know that it only makes us better. We also know that you have the power to refer us to potential customers, as word of mouth was how our business got so big in the first place.

Our team of scrap car buyers are friendly, honest and respectful your time, so you don’t have to waste hours haggling over the price of your car. This is why we have grown to become Surrey’s top scrap car removal company.

3.Instant Cash Offers Right Over the Phone

We take the time to explain where the value lies in your scrap vehicle. Perhaps you are unaware that what you have has highly desirable spare parts, engine components, unique glass or interior components, gauges, badges, wheels, rims and decals that can command top dollar. Our scrap car removal quotes are instant and free!

4.Environmentally Responsible

We follow local and provincial laws governing scrap car removal recycling policies to ensure that every vehicle is scrapped in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it’s how we get the most out of every vehicle so you know it has been put to its best use.

5.Quick and Easy Scrap Car Removal in Surrey

We make the process of converting your scrap cars, trucks and SUVs into cash quick and easy. The entire process can be done in as little 10 minutes. Our service is available to suit your schedule, anytime of the day or night. Just call or text us to arrange a time for your scrap car removal.

6.Support the Local Business Community

Support your local economy. We live and work in the Surrey area and use the services of Surrey junk yardsscrap metal recyclers, scrap car dealers,metal recycling companies, salvage operations, scrap yards,recycling services and other local scrap businesses to process your scrap vehicle in the most environmentally friendly and efficient manner possible. Thanks for doing your part to help!

7.Free Junk Car Towing

We provide free towing services anywhere in Surrey BC. Even if you’ve got it parked in an underground parkade, or around the back of your old barn, we will take it away. And remember, no one pays more cash for scrap car removal than More Cash For Scrap!

Buying Junk Cars in Surrey Since 2005

We are proud to be the #1 scrap car removal service in all of Surrey’s communities and neighbourhoods including:




Auto Wreckers in Surrey

There are so many ways to scrap a car these days. However, there’s only one way to do it in an eco-friendly way while getting free towing and MORE cash for scrap cars than anyone else will offer you…. It’s by choosing More Cash For Scrap!

  • No wheels?
  • No Keys?
  • No Paperwork?
  • Bent Frame?
  • Transmission shot?
  • Dead Engine?
  • Multiple accidents?
  • Major Body Damage?
  • Not Drivable?
  • Bad Electrical Issues?
  • Moldy Interior?
  • Fluid Leaks?
cash for scrap cars North Vancouver

Great! We want to give you cash for it because scrap car removal is our passion. We’ve been doing it for over 15 years, so we’ve gotten pretty good at it. Make us your first choice for all your junk car removal needs in Surrey. Our fast and friendly scrap car removal process can be done in a matter of minutes, and nobody pays MORE cash for scrap cars than us!


Surrey Scrap Cars

Surrey scrap cars

Scrap Pick-ups & Trucks

surrey scrap truck removal

Surrey Scrap Van Removal

surrey junk van removal

Scrap SUV’s and Crossovers

SUV and Crossover removal service

Junk Cars and Classics

surrey junk and classic vehicles

Scrap Vehicle Towing and Removal

Surrey scrap vehicle towing and removal services

Surrey’s Favourite Auto Recyclers

If you’re looking for a way to get MORE cash for scrap cars in Surrey, choose More Cash For Scrap. We are a professional and fully licensed scrap car buyer in the Surrey area, and have been buying junk cars for cash since 2005.

If you want a reliable and convenient way to scrap your car to the junkyard for the most cash, sell it to us. We get your car straight to the local scrapyard while choosing the most ethical way to recycle your car in Surrey. No other junk car buyer scraps cars the way we do, or with MORE eco-friendly methods.

Surrey’s Best Choice for MORE Cash for Scrap Cars



It’s a gorgeous sunny day in Newton as you slowly pull away from the Speed Wash, and as you start to pick up speed on King George highway, you hear a clunk and a thunk. You pull over to the side of the road and raise the hood, and a blast of smoke hits you in the face. It might be time to scrap your car!

So, you take your beloved beater to Newton Auto Care in hopes that they can save it. After all, it has been your faithful commuter car for all these years. Alas, the grim news; the timing belt went and it bent the valves. The repairs are worth more than the car itself.

Yes, it sounds like you are better off calling a scrap car removal company, than calling a tow truck. However, you call Unitow towing by Bear Creek Park anyways and have your trusty beater car brought back to your house because you aren’t ready to admit that it might be scrapyard worthy just yet… no scrap car removal for your car today.

Days go by and you head over to King George Nissan, thinking you can trade in what’s left of your car to find yourself a new commuter vehicle, but they tell you that better off calling someone for scrap car removal as it’s now not only an older vehicle, but it became junk the minute the timing belt went on it. Even Best Transmission Auto Repairs in Newton told you to send it to the junk yard, but you were hoping they were wrong.

Surrey Frequently Asked Questions Video


We created this “Frequently Asked Questions” video to help answer any questions you might have about our scrap car removal services, or our about business in general.

We hope you find it helpful and if you have any other questions please feel free to contact us through social media, email, text, phone or our site contact form.


Frequently Asked Questions About Scrap Car Removal in Surrey

Do you really pay cash?

Yes, we will pay you cash for your junk vehicle before we load it on to our truck.

What kind of vehicles do you buy?

Cars, trucks, SUV’s, vans, campervans, and buses.

Can you buy my car today?

Yes, we can pick up your scrap car within hours of our initial conversation.

How long does the process take?

Approximately 10-15 minutes from start to finish from when the tow truck arrives.

What documents do I need?

Photo identification to verify that you are the registered owner is all that’s required for scrap car removal.

Does our car need to be running in order for you to purchase it?

No, we will establish its condition during our phone call with you by getting the make, model, year, kilometers, and condition from you at the start.

What if I can’t find the keys?

No problem, we can work around that. It won’t prevent us from paying cash for scrap cars.

Does it matter if the car has one or more flat tires?

No, we can inflate any tires if necessary to help facilitate getting it on our truck, and we buy junk vehicles that don’t even have wheels, so what your car sits on is never an issue.

Can I remove certain parts from the vehicle, for example, the tires and wheels or the stereo or battery?

Yes, and we can discuss those options with you, but remember that this will impact the size of your cash payment.

How much cash will you give me for my car?

We base our quotes on real time data which includes current metal prices, the weight of your vehicle, the model year and how many kilometers are on the odometer.

Is the offer contingent on the condition of the vehicle?

No, you will be quoted a price based on the criteria in the question above. The quote won’t change even when the driver observes the car. So, what we say you’re getting paid, is what you’re actually getting paid.

If you make me an offer, is there a timeframe that might change that offer?

Metal prices fluctuate so it’s best to book pickup as soon as possible, but we are flexible and can work with you on a reasonable timeframe.

Do I need to have my ICBC insurance papers to sell my car?

No, you don’t. There is a simple solution to that and we take care of all the paperwork, so just get in touch with us and let us know ahead of time.

Can you purchase my car if there is a lien on it?

Unfortunately, no. If you have any outstanding debts on your scrap vehicle, you would have to have it settled before we could buy it.

Do I have to be present at the pickup?

No, we can arrange everything over the phone provided we see proof of valid photo identification, and our payment can be sent by etransfer if needed.

Can I sell an abandoned car?

Unfortunately, no. You would have to be the legal registered owner.

After I arrange a pickup time, what should I do?

Remove all your valuable belongings before we arrive. Please also remove valid license plates, they need to be returned to ICBC in order to cancel your insurance. If the car is parked anywhere other than private property, leave the license plates on until our driver arrives and he will be happy to remove them for you. If the plates have expired, they can be recycled with the car.

What if I change my mind about pickup?

No problem! Just make sure you give us fair notice so that our truck hasn’t already been dispatched to your location. If you are cancelling because you have been given a more substantial offer, let us know! In most cases we are prepared to match or beat your other offer.

Surrey’s Best Scrap Car Removal Company Since 2005

Surrey Cash for Damaged Cars


Do you have a truck that’s been sitting in your driveway long enough to look like it should actually be sitting in the BC Vintage Truck Museum, and not in a good way?

Got an old lifted Ford Bronco that you thought could be a little like a Monster Truck when you were younger, but now it just sounds like the Monster Truck in the movie “Monster Trucks” that was filmed in Surrey BC at 84th Avenue and King George Hwy?

Have a truck that you took camping one too many times up a logging service road instead of keeping it somewhere local like Dogwood Campgrounds & RV Park?

Have a 1-ton that took a bit of a beating with a forklift while offloading at Cloverdale Cold Storage on 188th Street? Or maybe even backed into a few too many loading docks at Mountain Warehouse on 152nd Street?

Whatever condition your old trucks are in, we pay cash for them. Junk trucks are one of our favourites.

Cash for Scrap Cars in Whalley, Surrey BC

As Surrey’s #1 scrap car removal team, we have been buying cars in Surrey for nearly 25 years.

While we may service anywhere from White Rock to North Surrey, Whalley is definitely one of our favourite places do scrap car removal in. It’s not the people as to why we love buying cars in Whalley so much, though the locals there are certainly amazing and unique. It’s because of all the places throughout Surrey, Whalley has the highest number of scrap cars to be bought.

How do we know? Because we pay MORE cash for scrap cars in Whalley than any other district of Surrey, and have, since 2005.

We Buy Scrap Vehicles of Any Kind in ANY Condition

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t run, has been in a few accidents, or even if you’ve lost the keys. We pay cash for ANY scrap vehicle in any condition including:

  • Scrap cars – We gladly accept all types of domestic and foreign models of automobiles and cars regardless of age and condition
  • Scrap trucks – Every kind of scrap truck including: pickups, jeeps and large and small work vehicles are all accepted, even 1-ton trucks
  • Scrap SUVs & Crossovers – If you have an SUV or Cross-over vehicle ready for the scrap yard we would like to buy it for cash
  • Junk vans – We take any kind of used vans including camper vans, cube vans, and minivans
  • Damaged automobiles – Even if it’s been in a few fender benders, or completely totalled, we pay cash for it
  • Buses – It doesn’t matter if it’s a minibus, or an old broken-down school bus, we take it is the fastest and easiest way to get cash on the spot (most times same day) for your old junk and damaged vehicles. Choose us when you are choosing a scrap car removal company in Surrey.

Instant CASH Offers for Junk Cars in Surrey

We are proud to be a local Vancouver-based company. Our scrap yard is located just outside of Surrey and our agents live and work throughout the Surrey area. This enables us to work with incredible speed and efficiency, which is why most times we can do same day pick up. Our quotes are instant, are payments are cash, and the whole process can be done in as little as 10 minutes.

Cash for Junk Cars in Surrey BC



We service all areas of Surrey, from the beautiful ocean views of Crescent Beach, to the scenic cycling routes of Barnston Island. No matter where you are located in Surrey BC, we come to you and give you cash when you recycle your car with More Cash For Scrap .

We offer instant quotes, fast and efficient same day vehicle pick up, and not only do you get cash in hand, we handle all of the paperwork for you! Who knew that getting cash for scrap cars could be so simple? Let us help you turn that trash into cash today!

Scrap Your Car Today for MORE Cash

So maybe you’ve spent more than your fair share of money on attempting to save your ride at Cloverdale Auto Repair, but to no avail. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re hanging on to the only thing you have left of your teenage years; your ride.

Whatever it is that you’re holding on to, at the very least, you can stop holding onto a junk vehicle that truly serves no practical purpose anymore.

It doesn’t matter to us if it’s an old farm truck that you used to use to pull your horse trailer down to the Cloverdale Rodeo, or if it’s an outdated campervan that you use to watch shooting stars off of the hood from, we want to buy it! Cloverdale is rich on history, but your vehicle shouldn’t still be a part of it.

Call Us Today To Get An Instant Offer On Your Scrap Car

Scrap Car Removal Services


So, if you have a vehicle that you think might be junk, or at the very least isn’t worth much anymore, you should give us a call and find out exactly how much you could get paid for your scrap vehicle. There may be more value in it than you think!

Our offers are instant and we can usually provide scrap vehicle removal within an hour. Sometimes even less because we work 7 days a week, days and evenings to better suit our customers needs. And since our scrap car removal specialists live in the areas we service, it make it even easier to get prompt, professional scrap car removal service the very same day that you call.

Contact our dedicated team of junk car buyers today and get MORE cash for scrap cars in Surrey!

Recent Scrap Car Removals in Surrey, BC

We are Surrey’s favourite scrap car removal buying company, and here are the most recent vehicles we’ve purchased from our very valued customers.

  • 2013 Kia Optima – North Surrey, V3T 4H2
  • 1993 Pontiac Sunfire – Port Kells V1M 2C3
  • 2003 Chevy Malibu – Clayton Heights V3W 6E6
  • 1994 Ford Aerostsar – Newton, Surrey V3W 2L8
  • 2006 Dodge Caliber – North Surrey V3T 5N5
  • 1991 Chevy Corsica – Bear Creek, Surrey V3W 3L1

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