Final grade weighting is the way all of your assignments from the Coursework page are combined to determine each student's final grade. In many cases, you will already have this spelled out in your syllabus -- now you simply need to bring those details into the Gradebook portlet.
Setting up your final grade weighting is a two-step process.
First, you need to select (or create) a grade weighting method, which determines the grouping and parameters that will be used in calculating the final grade. You can do that on the Weighting Method screen.
After you have a weighting method set up, you need to input the actual weighting values (if necessary -- some methods, like "Point" and "Unit," handle weighting fully automatically!). You input these weighting values on this screen in the table below, and (depending on your method) by clicking a unit or type to weight assignments within. If your method does any automatic weighting, you can see the current weight values of all of your items on this screen as well.
Your current weighting method has these assignments being weighted automatically. If you want more control, you have two options:
If you don't need this level of control over your assignments weights, you can have them handled automatically. Automatic assignment weights can be applied based on the assignment's point value, or all assignments can just be automatically weighted equally. These settings can be enabled on the Grade Weighting Method screen, in Question 3.
You can also change the setting for just this one unit by making an exception for it on the current screen. You can also change the setting for just this one assignment type by making an exception for it on the current screen.