Welcome to ENSC 321 Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I'm looking forward to exploring GIS the science of "where" with you this semester. In this introductory course we'll:

  • Learn fundamental concepts related to GIS while also gaining hands-on experience with ArcGIS Desktop software from ESRI.
  • Practice how to think spatially, how to present spatial data in a map to convey important relationships and how to analyze data to generate new information.
  • Apply this knowledge through completion of a GIS project.

Important! It is essential that you obtain your NEW Tutorial Workbook, a computer with the specifications to run the course software, and download the course data files by the first week of class. Please read the essential pre-course preparation document. Download and complete the course readiness assessment and email it to your instructor. 

Essential Pre-course Preparation

Course Readiness Assessment

The diagram below shows areas explored in the GIS Tutorial 1 Basic Workbook. We'll begin with using and making maps. As we progress in the course we'll work more with spatial data, and finally, we'll touch on spatial data analysis. By the end of the term you should have some basic experience using ArcGIS and an understanding of the range of possibilities for GIS-based work. Let's dive in!
