
Course Information

BHA Seminar (SOWK 331)

Term: 2024-2025 School Year Fall Semester


Winona Wynn PhD



Office Hours

  • Start Date: January 18, 2023 11:30 a.m. - !:00 p.m.
  • End Date:  April 26, 2023 11:20-a.m.-1:00 p.m.
  • Single Date:
  • Weekly Days: Wednesday and Thursday 
  • Note: Please reach out if you need another day or time.




Ungrouped Items:

Personal Quote

“Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.” (Tagore)



Sat, 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/26/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: TO


This seminar provides cultural and professional context for the BHA Certificate student enrolled in social work courses. Through facilitation by an Indegenous Knowledge Scholar and a faculty member in the social work program, the seminar participants will examine the application of concepts from the required courses to an indigenous Behavioral Health setting. The seminar facilitators will also ensure that supervised praticum requirements outlined n the certification requirements are met. The course is repeatable up to four times. The seminar is designed to be offered alongside existing course in the BHA Certificate program, providing important cultural and professional context. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BHA Program.