
Course Information

Procedures and Diagnostics I (PAM 550A)

Term: 2020-2021 School Year Fall Semester


Bill Hatch
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Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (8/3/2020 - 12/11/2020) Location: TO MBYHS 3626


The Procedures and Diagnostics course will allow the student to apply their knowledge by experiencing clinical situations with a simulation mannequin, standardized patient, or actual clinical patients. Students will learn techniques of patient interviewing; performing physical exams across the ages; ordering and interpreting appropriate diagnostic studies, such as a radiography and electrocardiography; and written documentation and oral presentation of patient data. Technical skills, including but not limited to suturing, casting, splinting, intravenous line insertion, and airway insertion, will be presented in a lab or workshop environment. Observational experiences and case studies will be used to enhance learning. The subject sequence is organized around the Integrated Primary Care course.