Course Materials

      Textbook – Introductory Chemistry.  2nd Ed.  By Nivaldo Tro.  ISBN-13: 9780131470583  (Checked out from the Library)

     Calculators – ONLY non-programmable calculators with LOG, LN, and square root functions will be allowed for exams and quizzes. Check with Dr. Maraoulaite if you are unsure whether you may use your calculator for exams.

     Achieve Online Course Access. Enroll:

Course name: CHEM 101L: Heritage University - CHEM 101L - Fall21 - MARAOULAITE

You will have to purchase the access code. Achieve is not free. It costs $42.

Options for purchasing the access code:

(a) Buy it from the bookstore.

Advantages: easily integrates with financial aid.

Disadvantages: can take a long time to arrive because they (at least used to) order it by mail. Please don't quote me on that and talk to the bookstore.

(b) Buy it directly from the company on their website. This option is quicker, but you do have to have a valid credit card with funds on hand, and I am not sure about the possibility of reimbursement by financial aid. Please talk to your financial aid advisor.
(c) Free Trial - 14 days (can be extended by another 14 days in special cases, if you're waiting for ... the bookstore?)

     Model Set (Optional)  – you don't need a model kit, but you might find it helpful for the molecular geometries chapter if you are a kinetic learner and like 3D puzzles

(Option 1) This Model Kit on Amazon is the kit I like to use (this is the simplest smallest kit, but there are larger versions of this set)

(Option 2) HGS Organic Chemistry Set for Students, #1013A (recommended if you plan on taking organic chemistry with Dr. Miller). Distributed by Maruzen.

     Student Solutions Manual (optional) for Introductory Chemistry (optional).  2nd Ed.  By Nivaldo Tro and Matthew Johll.  ISBN-13: 9780131470828 (there is a copy on reserve at the Library, however, it may be problematic to get access to it due to COVID-related restrictions)

  • ISBN-10: 0-13-147082-5        / 0131470825
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-147082-8 / 9780131470828

     Lab Goggles (not needed) – due to COVID-related restrictions, labs will be help remotely online (virtual labs), so you do not need goggles this semester.