
Course Information

Ethics in Practice (SOWK 430)

Term: 2022-2023 School Year Fall Semester


Mr. Jacob R Campbell PhD

I go between several sites (e.g., Heritage at Toppenish/Kennewick campuses, Columbia Basin College Campus, and my home office). I adapt my location and schedule to meet the needs of a given week. The following is my general plan for locations:

  • Tuesdays and Saturdays (when we have MSW classes) in Toppenish
  • Wednesdays and Thursdays in Kennewick

I schedule specific times for collaboration and student meetings every week at 2 PM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I am at each site location during those times, and I also open up Zoom for anyone to join. You can join the Zoom meeting by visiting

You can check out my NOW page for my schedule this week/today. Feel free to email ( or call/text me at (509) 392–1056 to schedule a specific meeting time.


This course is required for all social work majors. Ethics are an integral component in all aspects of generalist social work practice, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) code of Ethics is the guide to direct practitioners conduct. TheNASW ethical standards provide guielines for what is ethically acceptable and unacceptable behavior. The ethical standards helps social workers identify ethical issues in practice, a brief history of the professions of social work will precede the study of the NASW Code Ethic in addition. . Crosslisted as SOC 430. Offered fall Semester.