
Course Information

Prep for Graduate & Prof Studies:Qualitative Research (HON 302)

Term: 2017-2018 School Year Spring Semester


Dr. Loren Schmidt
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Tue, 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM (1/8/2018 - 5/4/2018) Location: TO PETRI 1111


Honor students explore qualitative research, considering historical context, philosophical assumptions, culture and its impact on paradigms ad perspectives, and a review of research approaches, such as narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, creative, community-based action, indigenous methodologies, and case studies. Students consider the ethical practice of research with human subjects and the Heritage University Institutional Review Board process, Gust scholars conduct experiential workshops during the semester. Students have opportunities to visit graduate schools in the region. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honor Program, or Permission of Dean of Arts and Sciences