
Course Information

Closing the Achievement Gap (ED 565A)

Term: 2022-2023 School Year Summer Semester


Dr. Ken Bergevin
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Tue, 5:45 PM - 8:45 PM (5/30/2023 - 7/21/2023) Location: OL


This course explores the critical role of the principal or program administrator in identifying and responding to achievement gaps that may be present within a school. Concepts and strategies include the use of multiple sources of data/evidence to communicate a sense of urgency and support the achievement of all students, particularly those historically disadvantaged by issues of race, class, language and disability. Experienced educators who are interested in becoming school principals or program administrators will further develop a vision for powerful teaching as well as the knowledge and skills to improve educational effectiveness. To meet the requirements for principal and program administrator certification, students will work extensively with the AWSP Leadership Framework and other professional resources to design projects and gather artifacts relevant to their current and emerging professional practice. Also includes: Resource Management Module; Cultural Competency Module; S