
Course Information

Narcotics and Illegal Drugs (CRMJ 410A)

Term: 2018-2019 School Year Fall Semester


Eric R. Siweck
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Tue, 6:00 PM - 8:45 PM (8/20/2018 - 12/7/2018) Location: TO SCTC 2364


Study of basic pharmacological recognition aspects needed for law enforcement, parole, probation and correctional staff. Issues on drug abuse are explored along with insights on the process pursuing and prosecuting drug cases. Undercover work, "sting" operation, "buy/bust", search warrants, and more importantly informant recruitment and management is particularly stressed. Legal issues related to undercover operations and the management of a successful drug unit are explored. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101 or junior standing or permission of chair.