
Course Information

Perl I (CPSC 315)

Term: 2021-2022 School Year Fall Semester


Ioannis Tsiligkaridis
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Tue-Thu, 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM (8/23/2021 - 12/10/2021) Location: TO LIB 416


This course develops basic competency in the Perl programming language. It focuses on using Perl to developing web-based Internet and Intranet applications. Topics of study include Perl for UNIX, Perl for Win32, CGI standards, HTML, forms, scalar and aray variables, control structures, file I/O, regular expressions and subroutines. Offered Fall semesters of odd-numbered years. Prerequisite(s): A C or better in CPSC 202 - JAVA I and a C or better in CPSC 112 Internet Programming I.