
Course Information

Lab Human Anatomy (BIOL 340L)

Term: 2021-2022 School Year Spring Semester


Dr. Melvin F. Simoyi
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Thu, 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM (1/18/2022 - 5/13/2022) Location: TO SCTC 2387


This course starts off with the skeletal system covering identification of all the major bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton including parts of these bones and foramina (openings)on these bones. The next section will cover the muscular system where students will skin a cat in pairs and dissect the muscular system to identify back and shoulder, pectoral and abdominal, and gluteal and leg muscles. Students are required to name the human equivalent of each cat muscle and to demonstrate their dissection skills. Working individually, students will dissect sheep brain, eye and heart for identification of brain nuclei, ventricles, and cranial nerves and majors parts and muscles of the eye and heart. Continuing dissection of the cat, students will identify the major blood vessels of the circulatory system and round off the lab by dissecting the digestive and respiratory systems. Dissection skills are evaluated throughout the lab course except during the skeletal system section. Lab fo