
Course Information

Advanced Seminar I (SOWK 590)

Term: 2024-2025 School Year Fall Semester


Mr. Jacob R Campbell PhD

I value collaborating and working on problems in person. I go between several sites (e.g., Heritage at Toppenish/Kennewick campuses, Columbia Basin College Campus, and my home office). I adapt my location and schedule to meet the needs of a given week, so my schedule does vary depending on the needs for that week. The following is my general plan for locations:

  • Tuesdays and Saturdays (when we have MSW classes) in Toppenish
  • Wednesdays and Thursdays in Kennewick

I schedule specific times for weekly collaboration and student meetings at 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. When this time must be changed, I move it so there is always a scheduled time each week. During my scheduled office hours at each site, I’m open for people to come by in person or join Zoom (

You can check out my NOW page for my schedule this week and today. To schedule a specific meeting time, feel free to email me ( or call/text me at (509) 392–1056.

I attempt to maintain an open door policy, meaning days I’m on campus you can also come by my office and meet as needed. My offices are as follows:

Toppenish Campus: Simpkins Hall in Office 2126
Tri-Cities Campus in Kennewick: Office 4209


Sat, 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM (8/26/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: TO RAU 1701


Advanced seminar I is taken concurrently with Advanced Field Practicum I. This course allows the student an environment to apply advanced field practicum experience to the program curriculum. Students are encouraged to critically reflect on theory, ethics, values, skills, knowledge, and cognitive and affective processes that shape social work practice. Designed as a supportive environment, students are encouraged to practice using peer supervision to manage both the challenges and successes in their field placement. This course is graded as Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSW program Co-requisite(s): Advanced Field Practicum I