
Course Information

Theory of Practice I (SOWK 486W)

Term: 2018-2019 School Year Fall Semester


Mr. Jacob R Campbell PhD

I value collaborating and working on problems in person. I go between several sites (e.g., Heritage at Toppenish/Kennewick campuses, Columbia Basin College Campus, and my home office). I adapt my location and schedule to meet the needs of a given week, so my schedule does vary depending on the needs for that week. The following is my general plan for locations:

  • Tuesdays and Saturdays (when we have MSW classes) in Toppenish
  • Wednesdays and Thursdays in Kennewick

I schedule specific times for weekly collaboration and student meetings at 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. When this time must be changed, I move it so there is always a scheduled time each week. During my scheduled office hours at each site, I’m open for people to come by in person or join Zoom (

You can check out my NOW page for my schedule this week and today. To schedule a specific meeting time, feel free to email me ( or call/text me at (509) 392–1056.

I attempt to maintain an open door policy, meaning days I’m on campus you can also come by my office and meet as needed. My offices are as follows:

Toppenish Campus: Simpkins Hall in Office 2126
Tri-Cities Campus in Kennewick: Office 4209


Wed, 5:30 PM - 8:15 PM (8/20/2018 - 12/7/2018) Location: TR


Generalist Social Work Practice with micro systems. Knowledge and methods to bring about planned change with individuals and client-identified family systems Practice in interpersonal skills. Offered fall semesters. Limited to majors