
Course Information

Thesis I (ENG 598A)

Term: 2022-2023 School Year Summer Semester


Dr. Loren Schmidt
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Students will create a research proposal and outline intended to meet the requirements for ENG 598 - Thesis. The students will then complete initial drafts of the "Abstract," "Review of Literature," "Introduction," and "Methodology" sections for that research project using either the MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA (American Psychological Association) manuals for reference citations. While enrolled ENG 598A or prior, the student consults with the Program Chair to approve a thesis advisor. The student then identifies a topic in an area of interest approved by the thesis advisor. The student and the thesis advisor consult with Program Chair to appoint a committee of at least three persons (including the thesis advisor). The committee reviews and approves the proposal and research outline. However, no commitment is made that the proposal developed for this course can be applied toward meeting the requirements for ENG 598 . Prerequisite(s): ENG 553A. Students writing a thesis wit