The Panopto learning tool
Added by Vanessa Dunn
The tool would display
within this MyHeritage page
Preview (always shown in a pop-up)
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Version: LTI 1.0/1/1
Current Usage
This tool is in use on the following MyHeritage pages. It can't be deleted while it is in use.
ED 343 0 - Innvt Dgn Edu Tech Elm STEM > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 1 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
BLE 311 2 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
ENG 337 0 - Introduction to Linguistics > Learning Tools
SOWK 330 0 - BHA General Orientation > Learning Tools
HIS 205W 0 - Fund of the History of the AmericanPeople II > Learning Tools
NURS 317L 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Pract Lb > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
CILT 902 9 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ED 557A 3 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
ENG 546 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
ED 516B 0 - Facil Learning in Math: 5-8 Emp > Learning Tools
MATH 212 0 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ECS 330 0 - Child Development > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 1 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
BLE 311 0 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
NURS 318 0 - Nursing Leadership and Management > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 0 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
ENG 412 0 - Advanced Poetry > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
BADM 360 0 - Financial Management > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools 1
BLE 495AW 0 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
PAM 605 0 - Community Based Clinical ExperienceII > Learning Tools
NURS 312 0 - Physiological Cncpts in Clincal Rea > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
BADM 343W 0 - Organizational Behavior and Managem > Learning Tools
MATH 094 0 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ART 265 0 - Pottery I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 2 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ED 486 2 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
ED 367 0 - Writing Across Content Area > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
CHEM 110 0 - General Chemistry I > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ENG 101 6 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
ENG 101 0 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
NURS 317L 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Pract Lb > Learning Tools
BIOL 430 0 - Developmental Biology > Learning Tools
CRMJ 340 0 - Coummunity Corrections > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 8 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
SOWK 475 0 - Child Walfare > Learning Tools
CILT 904 0 - Eds Sandbox > Learning Tools
ECS 333 0 - Assesment of Young Child > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 0 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ACCT 380 0 - Accounting Information Systems > Learning Tools
ED 567A 0 - Data & Student Achievement > Learning Tools
ED 556 1 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
MATH 140L 2 - College Algebra Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 360B 0 - Literature for Young Adults > Learning Tools
BLE 530 1 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 510A 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
ENSC 102 0 - Introduction to EnvironmentalScience II > Learning Tools
ED 481E 0 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
BIOL 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ECS 408 0 - Early Learn Curriculum Domain > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 0 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
NURS 209L 0 - Nursing Procedures Lab > Learning Tools
BIOL 423 0 - Clinical Microbiology > Learning Tools
ENG 360A 0 - Literature for Children > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 3 Video
ED 388 1 - Project-based Tch Lrn Elm Clsrm > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 516B 0 - Facil Learning in Math: 5-8 Emp > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 0 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
ED 352A 0 - Interdisciplinary App Mth Tch Cnt > Learning Tools
ENG 510B 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
ACCT 480W 0 - Contemporary Issues in Accounting & > Learning Tools
CILT 908 27 - ENG 351W Technical Writing 8-week Template > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 1 Videos
ACCT 231 0 - Fundamentals of Accounting II > Learning Tools
CHEM 310 0 - Organic Chemistry I > Learning Tools
NURS 205 0 - Aesthetics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 2 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ECS 408 0 - Early Learn Curriculum Domain > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ED 524B 0 - Developing Literacy > Learning Tools
ED 347A 1 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
POSC 311 0 - The Judiciary > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 1 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
ED 565A 0 - Closing the Achievement Gap > Learning Tools
BLE 307 0 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
PAM 560A 0 - Integrated Primary Care I > Learning Tools
NURS 314 0 - Psychosocial Cnpts in Cln Rsn > Learning Tools
CILT 908 23 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
CHEM 310 0 - Organic Chemistry I > Learning Tools
BIOL 416 0 - Mycology/Parasitology > Learning Tools
REL 320W 0 - Comparative World Religions > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Learning Tools
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
ENG 410W 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
SOWK 390 0 - AT Addictions > Learning Tools
BIOL 482 0 - Applied Bioinformatics > Learning Tools
ENG 410W 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
CHEM 410L 0 - BioChemistry Lab > Learning Tools
PSY 326 0 - Behavior Modification > Learning Tools
HIS 312W 0 - Pacific Northwest History > Learning Tools
ED 517A 0 - Facilitating Learning in Sciences > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ENSC 101L 0 - Lab Intro Environ Science > Learning Tools
ECS 421 0 - Suprvn Effctve Learning Centers > Learning Tools
ED 359 1 - Fcltng Lrn Soc Stu Lit Children > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 1 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ED 519 6 - Facilitating Learning in Health/P.E. > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 0 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
BLE 520 0 - History/Theory Bil Ed > Learning Tools
CILT 908 16 - Gregorio Ochoa > Learning Tools
ENSC 220 0 - Intro to Climate Studies > Learning Tools
SPAN 302W 0 - Adv Comp/Readin > Learning Tools
GEOL 321 0 - Environmental Geology > Learning Tools
BIOL 110L 0 - Gen Biology I > Learning Tools
ED 486 0 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 10 Videos
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 1 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ED 459W 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
ED 524C 5 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 1 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
ENG 510B 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ED 481E 1 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
ENG 360A 0 - Literature for Children > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 0 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
ED 304 1 - Teacher Prep Orientation > Learning Tools
ASC 100 1 - Academic Skills Center > Learning Tools
CILT 902 13 - ENG 102(0) Sandbox > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BLE 311 0 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 0 - Mental Illness & Diagnosis > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ART 180 0 - Drawing I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 3 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 386 0 - Introduction to STEM Methodology > Learning Tools
ED 417C 1 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
ED 102B 0 - Careers in Education II: Practicum > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Panopto lecture
HON 303 0 - ST Research Methods > Learning Tools
ED 407A 0 - Teaching Inq thr Science Eng Prctcs > Learning Tools
ED 496BW 1 - Senior Capstone Project & Symposium > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
NURS 318 0 - Nursing Leadership and Management > Learning Tools
ED 336A Methods in Health/PE (Tri Cities) > Learning Tools
BLE 527 3 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
HON 303 1 - Special Topic: GRE Prep > Learning Tools
PSY 321W 0 - Social Psychology > Learning Tools
NURS 215L 0 - Lab Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 1 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
BLE 411 1 - Hist/Theory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
BLE 311 0 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
ENSC 102 0 - Introduction to EnvironmentalScience II > Learning Tools
ENSC 220 0 - Intro to Climate Studies > Learning Tools
BLE 307 1 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
ECS 305 0 - Delvpmt Eff Instrnl Prac > Learning Tools
ED 556 0 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ED 524B 1 - Developing Literacy > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 2 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ACCT 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ENG 102 1 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 2 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ED 101A 0 - Careers in Education I: Seminar > Learning Tools
NURS 312 0 - Physiological Cncpts in Clincal Rea > Learning Tools
ART 180 0 - Drawing I > Learning Tools
ED 347B 0 - D I:Spec Nds Stds/ Rg Clsrm > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools 1
UNIV 101 8 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
PSY 101 0 - Introduction to Psychology > Learning Tools
SOWK 390 9 - Advanced Topic > Learning Tools
NURS 317 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 200 1 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 543 0 - African American Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
ED 481S 0 - Secondary Co-teaching > Learning Tools
ED 347A 0 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
ED 388 0 - Project-based Tch Lrn Elm Clsrm > Learning Tools
NURS 215 0 - Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
NURS 209L 0 - Nursing Procedures Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 553A 0 - Research Methods > Learning Tools
ENG 101 3 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
NURS 801 1 1 - Faculty Development > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 4 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 370A 0 - Survey of Corrections and Juvenile > Learning Tools
ED 328A 0 - Methods in the Arts > Learning Tools
PSY 410W 0 - Intro to Experimental Psychology > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools 1
CHEM 305 0 - Survey of Organic Chem > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 6 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 8 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 2 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
PSY 325W 0 - Developmental Psychology > Learning Tools
BLE 522 0 - ESL in the Content Area > Course Session Recordings
ED 519 6 - Facilitating Learning in Health/P.E. > Learning Tools (imported)
NURS 316 0 - Physiological Concepts in ClinicalReasoning II > Learning Tools
ACCT 327 1 - Intermediate Financial Acct II > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
PHYS 211 0 - General Physics I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 0 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
ENG 102 0 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 2 - Intro to Abnormal Psychology > Learning Tools
CILT 903 1 - Sandbox 2 ENG 350 > Learning Tools
ENG 310 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
CRMJ 450 0 - Crime and Justice in the Movies > Week 1 Video
CILT 806 6 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
ED 386 2 - Introduction to STEM Methodology > Learning Tools
ED 452A 0 - Interdisciplinary Apprch Mthds Tch > Learning Tools
ART 353 0 - Intermediate Watercolor > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 7 Video
MATH 094 0 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 0 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
BIOL 421 0 - Preclinical Rotation Course > Panopto
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
BLE 415 0 - Equitable Assessment of ELL > Learning Tools
HON 303 0 - Special Topic: GRE Prep > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
SOWK 317 0 - Social Policy II > Learning Tools
ED 498BW 0 - Teaching Portfolio Essentials > Learning Tools
SOWK 388 0 - Preparation for Field Practicum > Learning Tools
NURS 318 0 - Nursing Leadership and Management > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
PAM 520 0 - Master's Research Project II > Learning Tools
POSC 311 0 - The Judiciary > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
CILT 805 15 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
CHEM 410W 0 - Biochemistry > Learning Tools
ED 336A 6 - Methods in Health/PE > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
BIOL 423 0 - Clinical Microbiology > Learning Tools
CHEM 111 0 - General Chemistry II > Learning Tools
PSY 101 0 - Introduction to Psychology > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
CILT 908 13 - Wendy Blakely > Learning Tools
PSY 312 1 - Psychology of Gender and Sexuality > Learning Tools
ECON 202 0 - Intro to Macroeconomics > Learning Tools
NURS 318 0 - Nursing Leadership and Management > Learning Tools
CILT 806 1 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 1 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
BLE 307 1 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 1 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
CHEM 110 0 - General Chemistry I > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ECS 330 1 - Child Development > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
CILT 908 30 - Ann Kendall I > Learning Tools
SOWK 365 2 - Substance Abuse Disorders I > Learning Tools
ED 481E 1 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
HIS 314 0 - U.S. Civil War & Reconstruction > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 4 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 336A 0 - Methods in Health/PE > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 1 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ENSC 220 0 - Intro to Climate Studies > Learning Tools
HON 401 0 - Prep for Grad & Prof Stud:The Application Process > Learning Tools
BADM 320 0 - Small Business Management > Learning Tools
ED 525A 0 - Fac Lear/Soc Stud & Lit/Chil > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
HON 303 1 - ST GRE Prep > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 0 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
ENSC 101 0 - Intro to Environmental Science > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 0 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
BADM 321 0 - Advertising > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
PSY 421 0 - Clinical Skills > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 0 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
ED 367 1 - Writing Across Content Area > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
MATH 094 0 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
BIOL 423 0 - Clinical Microbiology > Learning Tools
PAM 515 0 - Master's Research Project I > Learning Tools
TRIO 201 0 - TRIO Student Support Services > Learning Tools
ENG 495 0 - Special Project > Learning Tools
BADM 360 0 - Financial Management > Learning Tools
ART 170 0 - Basic Design I > Learning Tools
ENG 598B 0 - Thesis II > Learning Tools
ED 101B 0 - Careers in Education I: Practicum > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ED 459W 1 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 0 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ED 347A 1 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
NURS 306L 0 - Family Nursing Practice Lab > Learning Tools
SOWK 310A 0 - Survey of Family Violence > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
NURS 317 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
REL 320W 0 - Comparative World Religions > Learning Tools
GEOL 321L 0 - Environmental Geology Lab > Learning Tools
ED 343A 1 - Foundations Educational Technology > Learning Tools
CILT 902 4 - NURS 205 > Learning Tools
SOWK 101 0 - Intro to Social Work > Learning Tools
NURS 215L 1 - Lab Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
BLE 311 1 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
ECS 330 0 - Child Development > Learning Tools
ED 582E 1 - Elementary Co-Teaching Internship > Learning Tools
BLE 307 6 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
ACCT 320 0 - Cost Accounting > Learning Tools
NURS 208 0 - Empirics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
MATH 116 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers I > Learning Tools
ED 564A 0 - Creating School Culture > Learning Tools
NURS 215L 0 - Lab Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
ENSC 102 0 - Introduction to EnvironmentalScience II > Learning Tools
PSY 325W 0 - Developmental Psychology > Learning Tools
MATH 094 0 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ENG 342W 0 - Native American Literature > Learning Tools
ECS 403W 5 - Special Project > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
ENG 324W 0 - Advanced Comp: Writ in the Sciences > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 1 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
NURS 306 0 - Family Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
CILT 908 2 - Sandbox 1 ENG 410/510 > Learning Tools
ED 347B 2 - D I:Spec Nds Stds/ Rg Clsrm > Learning Tools
ED 516B 1 - Facil Learning in Math: 5-8 Emp > Learning Tools
BIOL 505 0 - Medical Skills and Theory I > Learning Tools
CILT 805 14 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
ENG 546 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
ED 556 0 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
ED 516A 1 - Facil Learn in Math: K-4 Emphasis > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 1 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 1 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
CAMP 102 0 - CAMP Introduction to College II > Learning Tools
ENG 360B 0 - Literature for Young Adults > Learning Tools
CILT 806 11 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
ED 500 0 - Master in Teaching Orientation > Learning Tools
NURS 206W 0 - Ethical Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ED 496AW 1 - Senior Capstone Project I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > e Learning tool
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Learning Tools
CILT 900 12 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
CRMJ 371 1 - Interpersonal Comm in Criminal Just > Learning Tools
CILT 902 5 - Jim > Learning Tools
NURS 209L 2023 Nursing Procedures LAB > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 6 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 4 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
ECS 333 0 - Assesment of Young Child > Learning Tools
BLE 307 1 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
ED 315B 0 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
MATH 116 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers I > Learning Tools
BIOL 322 0 - Microbiology > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ENSC 220 0 - Intro to Climate Studies > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 1: Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Ed > Learning Tools
ENG 315W 0 - Survey of British Literature > Learning Tools
BADM 360 0 - Financial Management > Learning Tools
BIOL 322L 0 - Lab Microbiology > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 4 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
RDG 573 0 - Reading/Literacy Internship > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 1 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 1 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
PSY 332 0 - Professional Ethics > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools 1
SOWK 312 1 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
MATH 094 2 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
NURS 801 1 - Nursing Faculty Development > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 102 0 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ED 582E 0 - Elementary Co-Teaching Internship > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 0 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Class Videos & e-Portfolio
ENG 360A 0 - Literature for Children > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > e Learning tool
NURS 801 1 - Nursing Faculty Development > Learning Tools
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 2 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
SPED 537 2 - Curr & Instruct Strat for Student w/Mod/Sev Disab > Learning Tools
BIOL 506 0 - Medical Skills and Theory II > Learning Tools
ED 516A 0 - Facil Learn in Math: K-4 Emphasis > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 3 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
CILT 902 1 - Ann Kendall > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ED 347A 6 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
PSY 345 0 - Measurement & Evaluation > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
CILT 900 12 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
ED 498AW 0 - Intro Teach Portfolio Assessment > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
SOWK 310A 0 - Survey of Family Violence > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 2 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ED 556 1 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
BADM 303 0 - ST: Personal Finance > Learning Tools
ENG 324W 0 - Advanced Comp: Writ in the Sciences > Learning Tools
SOWK 310A 2 - Survey of Family Violence > Learning Tools
ART 451 0 - Acrylic Painting III > Learning Tools
CILT 908 3 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ENSC 101 0 - Intro to Environmental Science > Learning Tools
PAM 605 0 - Community Based Clinical ExperienceII > Learning Tools
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
CILT 805 4 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
CPSC 202 0 - JAVA I > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 0 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
MATH 094 1 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 0 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools 1
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
ENG 557A 0 - Children's Literature > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
HIS 322W 0 - Historical Methods > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
ED 317A 0 - Math Methods I > Learning Tools
NURS 215L 0 - Lab Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
HIS 302 0 - American Women's History > Learning Tools
ED 407A 2 - Teaching Inq thr Science Eng Prctcs > Learning Tools
ENG 510B 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
ED 101B 0 - Careers in Education I: Practicum > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 3 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 2 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 410W 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 103A 0 - Pre Nursing Pathway > Learning Tools
ENSC 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
BIOL 410H 0 - Plant Taxonomy > Learning Tools
BIOL 318W 0 - Genetics > Learning Tools
BLE 527 1 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 0 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ACCT 326 0 - Intermediate Financial Acct I > Learning Tools
ED 417C 0 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
ED 557A 0 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 0 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Lecture Videos
ENG 102 0 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ED 524C 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
ENG 315 0 - Survey of British Literature > Learning Tools
NURS 207 0 - Relationship Based Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
BLE 522 3 - ESL in the Content Area > Course Session Recordings
BADM 303 2 - ST: Money 101 Personal Finance > Learning Tools
ED 518 0 - Facilitating Learning in the Arts > Learning Tools
ED 352A 1 - Interdisciplinary App Mth Tch Cnt > Learning Tools
CRMJ 450 0 - Crime and Justice in the Movies > Week 5 Video
CHEM 410W 0 - Biochemistry > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
BIOL 506 0 - Medical Skills and Theory II > Learning Tools
BLE 520 0 - History/Theory Bil Ed > Learning Tools
PSY 321W 1 - Social Psychology > Learning Tools
ART 357 0 - Acrylic Painting I > Learning Tools
ENSC 235 0 - Fund of Atmospheric Science > Learning Tools
ENG 341W 0 - Hispanic-Latino/Chicano/Literature > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 1 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 0 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ED 518 1 - Facilitating Learning in the Arts > Learning Tools
NURS 103A 0 - Pre Nursing Pathway > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 2 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ENG 310 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
BIOL 505 0 - Medical Skills and Theory I > Learning Tools
POSC 314 0 - Civil Liberties > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 0 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ENSC 390 0 - Adv Tpc Hydrology for NRM > Learning Tools
CILT 903 4 - NURS 314- Psychosocial Concepts in Clinical Reasoning > Learning Tools
NURS 316 0 - Physiological Concepts in ClinicalReasoning II > Learning Tools
MATH 095 0 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
NURS 209L 0 - Nursing Procedures Lab > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 0 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
ENSC 440W 0 - Environ Issues & Ethics > Learning Tools
ED 525A 0 - Fac Lear/Soc Stud & Lit/Chil > Learning Tools
MATH 221 2 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
PHYS 102 0 - Introduction to Physics II > Learning Tools
PAM 530 0 - Professional Issues for PhysicianAssistants I > Learning Tools
CILT 902 11 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
CHEM 111 0 - General Chemistry II > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 3 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 343W 0 - African American Literature > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
BIOL 417A 0 - Hematology and Hemostasis > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 3 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ASC 100 0 - Academic Skills Center > Learning Tools
NURS 206W 0 - Ethical Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 2 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 1 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
NURS 322L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reasonin III > Learning Tools
RDG 509 0 - Content Area Literacy > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
BLE 307 1 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
PAM 505 0 - Behavioral Medicine II > Learning Tools
ENG 557 0 - Young Adult Literature > Learning Tools
PSY 101 0 - Introduction to Psychology > Panopto Video Lectures
SOWK 459W 3 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools (imported)
CHEM 410L 0 - BioChemistry Lab > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 1 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
ED 516A 1 - Facil Learn in Math: K-4 Emphasis > Learning Tools
NURS 317 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
PSY 345 0 - Measurement & Evaluation > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
SOWK 316 1 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 323 0 - Spirituality in Social Work Practice > Learning Tools
CILT 906 5 - Backup template > Learning Tools
CRMJ 401 0 - Ethics in Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
MCN 302 0 - Research Methods > Learning Tools
PSY 321W 1 - Social Psychology > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations (Spring 2024) > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 1 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
BIOL 322 0 - Microbiology > Learning Tools
SOWK 390 0 - AT: Healthcare > Learning Tools
SPAN 304 0 - Intensive Oral Spanish and Conversation > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 315BW 0 - British Lit II: Victorian to Pres > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 2 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 3 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
ED 347A 0 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
PSY 345 2 - Measurement & Evaluation > Learning Tools
MATH 150 0 - Trigonometry > Learning Tools
CHEM 105 0 - Intermed Gen Chem > Learning Tools
PHYS 101 0 - Introduction to Physics > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 3 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ECS 333 0 - Assesment of Young Child > Learning Tools
HON 401 0 - Prep for Grad & Prof Stud:GRE > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Learning Tools
ED 498BW 2 - Teaching Portfolio Essentials > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
MATH 212 0 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I > Learning Tools
BADM 303 2 - ST: Money Management > Learning Tools
BIOL 413 0 - Immunology/Serology > Learning Tools
ED 481E 1 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
ED 498BW 0 - Teaching Portfolio Essentials > Learning Tools
ED 347A 0 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
ENSC 496 0 - Research Experience > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 2 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ED 527A 0 - Curriculum Alignment > Learning Tools
BIOL 413 0 - Immunology/Serology > Learning Tools
BIOL 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
CPSC 331 0 - Theory of Progamming Languages > Learning Tools
NURS 207 0 - Relationship Based Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
BLE 311 0 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
SOC 460W 0 - Social Science Research Mtd > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 1 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
MATH 140 0 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 0 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
ENG 598B 0 - Thesis II > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 0 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
ED 500 1 - Master in Teaching Orientation > Learning Tools
CPSC 150 0 - Digital Logic > Learning Tools
ED 347B 0 - D I:Spec Nds Stds/ Rg Clsrm > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Learning Tools
ED 588A 0 - Secondary Teaching Methods > Learning Tools
HIS 499W 0 - History Capstone > Learning Tools
ED 486 2 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 1 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
ECS 308 0 - Divrsty & Cul Cmpte Yg Chld & Fam > Learning Tools 2
ACCT 333 0 - Federal Income Tax I > Learning Tools
MATH 095 1 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
CILT 900 12 - Practice Shell > PanOpto Lecture Capture
HON 303 3 - Research Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 0 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
CILT 903 0 - Sandbox 2 > Learning Tools
CILT101 CILT 101 1 - CILT 101 > Learning Tools
MATH 305 0 - Discrete Math for Educators > Learning Tools
BLE 311 1 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
ENG 554 0 - Teaching Composition > Learning Tools
NURS 418L 0 - Professional Role Integration > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 0 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
PAM 540 0 - Professional Issues for PhysicianAssistants III > Learning Tools
ED 343 2 - Innvt Dgn Edu Tech Elm STEM > Learning Tools
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 2 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
BLE 527 1 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
ART 451 0 - Acrylic Painting > Learning Tools
FISH 110 0 - Introduction to Fisheries > Learning Tools
BIOL 111L 0 - General Biology Lab > Learning Tools
PSY 573 0 - Diagnosis & Assessment > Learning Tools
NURS 206W 0 - Ethical Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
PSY 332 0 - Professional Ethics > Learning Tools
PSY 390 0 - AT: Psychology of Trauma > Learning Tools
SPED 568 1 - Special Education Law > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENGR 101A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BIOL 410D 0 - Vertebrate Zoology > Learning Tools
NURS 215 0 - Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
911 IT - DO NOT TOUCH > Learning Tools
TPNES 102 0 - Test Prep for NES 102 > Learning Tools
ENSC 235 0 - Fund of Atmospheric Science > Learning Tools
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
ED 417C 1 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
BIOL 435 0 - Pharmacology > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
KAJD ENG 598B Thesis II Under Construction > Learning Tools
BIOL 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ACCT 480W 1 - Contemporary Issues in Accounting & > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Panopto Lecture Capture
SOWK 312 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
ENGR 301A 1 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
ENSC 380L 0 - Lab Introduction to R > Learning Tools
BADM 360 0 - Financial Management > Learning Tools
NURS 208 0 - Empirics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
SOWK 317 1 - Social Policy II > Learning Tools
NURS 307 0 - Policy, Power & Politics of Nursing > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 1 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
BLE 527 2 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
ENG 315AW 0 - British Lit I: Origins to Roman > Learning Tools
POSC 314 0 - Civil Liberties > Learning Tools
BIOL 322 0 - Microbiology > Learning Tools
Test1 Test1 - Testing Course Copy links > Learning Tools
BLE 311 2 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
NAIS 302W 0 - Tribal Governance & Sovereignty > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
CILT 805 9 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
ED 524B 0 - Developing Literacy > Learning Tools
ED 347A 2 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 1 Video
SPAN 101 1 - Spanish I > Learning Tools
ENG 551 1 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 0 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Class Videos & e-Portfolio
PAM 500 0 - Behavioral Medicine I > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 0 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
CILT 908 29 - Joanie Monroy > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 3 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
NURS 307 0 - Policy, Power & Politics of Nursing > Learning Tools
BLE 307 2 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 0 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Learning Tools
BLE 530 1 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
ENG 377W 0 - Research Methods > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 2 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 347A 1 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Learning Tools
BIOL 410HL 0 - Lab Plant Taxonomy > Learning Tools
CHEM 105 0 - Intermed Gen Chem > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 9 Videos
ED 367 2 - Writing Across Content Area > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 5 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 102 4 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
MATH 221 1 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
BIOL 421 0 - Preclinical Rotation Course > Panopto
NURS 216 2023 Thinking Like a Nurse > Learning Tools
ENGR 201A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
RDG 506 0 - Instructional Methods in Reading, Writing & Commun > Learning Tools
ENSC 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Learning Tools
ED 347A 0 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
ECS 330 0 - Child Development > Learning Tools
Academics > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
NURS 103A 0 - Pre Nursing Pathway > Learning Tools
NURS 803 NURS 803 - Nursing Faculty Development > Learning Tools
NURS 307 0 - Policy, Power & Politics of Nursing > Learning Tools
CILT 908 19 - Linda Rossow > Learning Tools
BIOL 414 0 - Phlebotomy/MLS Orientation > Learning Tools
NURS 319 0 - Health Care Trends and Issues > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
SOWK 310A 0 - Survey of Family Violence > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOC 220L 0 - Applied Social Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
ED 347A 1 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
ENG 101 2 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
NURS 207 0 - Relationship Based Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ED 503 0 - edTPA > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
CILT 801 16 - Online Teaching and Learning > Learning Tools
HIS 330 0 - Decolonization & the Repertoire ofRefusal > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
CRMJ 315AW 0 - Survey of Crime Control PoliciesControl Policies > e Learning tool
ED 317C 0 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
BIOL 414 0 - Phlebotomy/MLS Orientation > Learning Tools
ACCT 432 0 - Auditing I > Learning Tools
ENG 360B 0 - Literature for Young Adults > Learning Tools
CILT 906 4 - New MyHeritage Course Template > Learning Tools
ED 386 1 - Introduction to STEM Methodology > Learning Tools
ED 315B 1 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
PAM 560A 0 - Integrated Primary Care I > Learning Tools
BLE 411 2 - Hist/Theory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 0 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
ENGR 212 0 - Dynamics > Learning Tools
BLE 535 0 - Sociolinguistics > Learning Tools
ED 403 edTPA seminar Spring '18 > Learning Tools
CILT 806 9 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 1 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
CHEM 105 0 - Intermed Gen Chem > Learning Tools
ED 516B 0 - Facil Learning in Math: 5-8 Emp > Learning Tools
MATH 212 0 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 0 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
NURS 317L 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Pract Lb > Learning Tools
MATH 096 0 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
CHEM 111 0 - General Chemistry II > Learning Tools
ENG 103 0 - Special Topic > Learning Tools
CHEM 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
ACCT 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
MATH 221 1 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 0 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
ENG 340W 0 - Literature by Women > Learning Tools
NURS 418L 0 - Professional Role Integration > Learning Tools
MATH 094 0 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ED 524C 1 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
ECS 404 0 - Erly Learn Curr Domains > Learning Tools
MATH 096 0 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
BIOL 320W 0 - Medical MicroBiology > Learning Tools
CRMJ 301 0 - Criminal Law > Learning Tools
MATH 140 0 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 2 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
PSY 330 0 - Human Learning & Cognition > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
Empirics CILT 903 5 - NURS 208 > Learning Tools
BIOL 423 0 - Clinical Microbiology > Learning Tools
ED 491S 0 - Specialty Methods in Secondary Teaching > Learning Tools 1
CRMJ 300 0 - Criminology > Learning Tools
BIOL 410HL 0 - Lab Plant Taxonomy > Learning Tools
ACCT 231 0 - Fundamentals of Accounting II > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 1 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ART 370 0 - Graphic Design I > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 2 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
BIOL 110L 0 - Gen Biology I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENSC 340 0 - Fundamentals of Hydrology > Learning Tools
MATH 221L 2 - Introduction to Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
ART 265 0 - Pottery I > Learning Tools
RDG 573 10 - Reading/Literacy Internship > Learning Tools
ED 516A 0 - Facil Learn in Math: K-4 Emphasis > Learning Tools
HIS 318 0 - American Environmental History > Learning Tools
ART 270 0 - Basic Design II (3-Dimensional Design) > Learning Tools
ENG 410W 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
ACCT 380 0 - Accounting Information Systems > Learning Tools
MATH 221L 0 - Introduction to Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
NURS 318 0 - Nursing Leadership and Management > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 2 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 1 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 1 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
NURS 306L 0 - Family Nursing Practice Lab > Learning Tools
CRMJ 372 0 - Correctional Systems & JuvenileJustice > Learning Tools
FIN 335 0 - Personal Financial Planning > Learning Tools
NSO 100 1 - New Student Orientation New Horizon > Learning Tools
BADM 230 0 - Information Systems and Analytics > Learning Tools
ENG 555 0 - Editing Workshop > Learning Tools
ED 582E 0 - Elementary Co-Teaching Internship > Learning Tools
ACCT 327 0 - Intermediate Financial Acct II > Learning Tools
BIOL 506 0 - Medical Skills and Theory II > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools (imported) (imported)
ED 403 edTPA Seminar Fall '18 > Learning Tools
PSY 499 0 - Capstone > Learning Tools
CILT 904 1 - Eds Sandbox > Learning Tools
BLE 530 1 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
PHYS 212 0 - General Physics II > Learning Tools
CRMJ 371 0 - Interpersonal Comm in Criminal Just > Learning Tools
BIOL 410H 0 - Plant Taxonomy > Learning Tools
BLE 307 0 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
ART 355 0 - Ceramic Sculpture I > Learning Tools
CILT 806 3 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
MATH 221L 2 - Introduction to Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
CILT 908 1 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
ECS 305 0 - Delvpmt Eff Instrnl Prac > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
BADM 351 0 - Human Resource Management > Learning Tools
MATH 212 0 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I > Learning Tools
NURS 306 0 - Family Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
ART 265 0 - Pottery I > Learning Tools
MATH 221 3 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
BLE 522 0 - ESL in the Content Area > Course Session Recordings
ACCT 333 0 - Federal Income Tax I > Learning Tools
SOC 101 1 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
MATH 150 0 - Trigonometry > Learning Tools
CRMJ 301 0 - Criminal Law > Learning Tools
MATH 135 0 - Business Algebra > Learning Tools
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
CHEM 305 0 - Survey of Organic Chem > Learning Tools
ENG 360B 0 - Literature for Young Adults > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 2 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
CRMJ 401 0 - Ethics in Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
ENG 341W 0 - Hispanic-Latino/Chicano/Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 102 4 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
BIOL 512 0 - Foundations of Personalized Medicin > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools 1
SOWK 313 1 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
PAM 550A 0 - Procedures and Diagnostics I > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 0 - Intro to Abnormal Psychology > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
PAM 560A 0 - Integrated Primary Care I > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 1 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
CILT 908(15) CILT 908(15) - Karita Sandbox > Learning Tools
CILT 805 13 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 316 0 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
NURS 306 0 - Family Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
SOWK 317 0 - Social Policy II > Learning Tools
BIOL 421L 0 - Preclinical Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
CRMJ 410A 0 - Narcotics and Illegal Drugs > Learning Tools
KAJD ENG 598A Thesis I Under Construction > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 2 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 209L 0 - Nursing Procedures Lab > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
MATH 140L 0 - College Algebra Lab > Learning Tools
CRMJ 370A 0 - Survey of Corrections and Juvenile > Learning Tools
ENG 450W 0 - Literary Theory > Learning Tools
ED 557A 1 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
ED 491S 0 - Specialty Methods in Secondary Teaching > Learning Tools
ENG 200 1 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
BLE 520 0 - History/Theory Bil Ed > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 0 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools 1
NURS 292L 2024 - Physical Assessment > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
PSY 312 0 - Psychology of Gender and Sexuality > Learning Tools
BLE 527 0 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 1 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 0 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Class Videos & e-Portfolio
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools 1
NURS 114W 0 - Personal Knowledge Development > Learning Tools
BLE 415 2 - Equitable Assessment of ELL > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
FIN 335 0 - Personal Financial Planning > Learning Tools
ED 102A 0 - Careers in Education II: Seminar > Learning Tools
ASC 100 0 - Academic Skills Center > Learning Tools
ED 347B 1 - D I:Spec Nds Stds/ Rg Clsrm > Learning Tools
NURS 216 0 - Prof Nursing-Thinking Like a Nurse > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ED 407A 0 - Teaching Inq thr Science Eng Prctcs > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > PanOpto Lecture Capture
FISH 110 0 - Introduction to Fisheries > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 3 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 365 0 - Substance Abuse Disorders I > Learning Tools
ED 524C 1 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
MATH 096 0 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
SOWK 310C 0 - Survey of Aging > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools 1
PAM 545 0 - Introduction to Primary Care andthe Normal Patient > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 1 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 312 0 - Physiological Cncpts in Clincal Rea > Learning Tools
ED 417C 0 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
ART 202 1 - Intro to Digital Photography > Learning Tools
BLE 520 1 - History/Theory Bil Ed > Learning Tools
ACCT 334 0 - Federal Income Tax II > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
ED 525A 1 - Fac Lear/Soc Stud & Lit/Chil > Learning Tools
SPED 568 0 - Special Education Law > Learning Tools
BIOL 416 0 - Mycology/Parasitology > Learning Tools
ED 343 1 - Innvt Dgn Edu Tech Elm STEM > Learning Tools
MATH 135 1 - Business Algebra > Learning Tools
ART 170 0 - Basic Design I > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 6 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENSC 102L 0 - Introduction to EnvriomentalScience II Lab > Learning Tools
ECS 410 0 - Collboratn & Comm in Early Learning > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 2 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ART 180 0 - Drawing I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 2 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
MATH 094 4 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ED 573 0 - Internship in School Administration > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 3 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
ENG 341W 0 - Hispanic-Latino/Chicano/Literature > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 2 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 524B 0 - Developing Literacy > Learning Tools (imported)
NURS 304 0 - Quality, Safety & Infmtcs Nurs Prac > Learning Tools
CPSC 230 0 - Databases I > Learning Tools 1
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
SOWK 310C 0 - Survey of Aging > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
ED 498BW 1 - Teaching Portfolio Essentials > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 491 1 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
PAM 610 1 - Community-Based Clinical ExperienceIII > Learning Tools
ED 481M 0 - Middle School Student Teaching > Learning Tools
ED 324 1 - Literacy Foundations > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 8 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 2 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools 1
RDG 509 0 - Content Area Literacy > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 1 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 2 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
BLE 526 0 - Lit & Bil/ESL Student > Class Session Videos & ePortfolio
CHEM 105 0 - Intermed Gen Chem > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 1 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
PSY 339 2 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
ACCT 230 0 - Fundamentals of Accounting I > Learning Tools
ACCT 380 0 - Accounting Information Systems > Learning Tools
CRMJ 370 1 - Survey Criminal Justice System > Learning Tools
CILT 908 11 - Megan Laurion > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
ENG 200 1 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ED 315B 2 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
MATH 221 3 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
HIS 101W 0 - World Civilization I > Learning Tools
ENG 553A 0 - Research Methods > Learning Tools
BADM 343W 0 - Organizational Behavior and Managem > Learning Tools
POSC 101 0 - Intro Polit Sci > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 6 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
NURS 216 0 - Prof Nursing-Thinking Like a Nurse > Learning Tools
CHEM 305 0 - Survey of Organic Chem > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
MATH 096 1 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 0 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 806 0 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
MATH 384 0 - Geometry and Measurement > Learning Tools
BADM 317 0 - Advanced Professional Communication > Learning Tools
REL 320W 0 - Comparative World Religions > Learning Tools
NURS 312L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reas I Lab > Learning Tools
NURS 215L 2023 Nutrition for Nurses LAB > Learning Tools
ED 343 2 - Innvt Dgn Edu Tech Elm STEM > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
PSY 339 0 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
NURS 322L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reasonin III > Learning Tools (imported)
UNIV 101 7 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
MATH 095 1 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
POSC 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
CHEM 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
ED 524C 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
BLE 415 0 - Equitable Assessment of ELL > Learning Tools
ED 405C 0 - Advanced Middle and Secondary Pract > Learning Tools
POSC 201W 0 - US Pol System > Learning Tools
CHEM 310 0 - Organic Chemistry I > Learning Tools
ENG 102 20 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ED 317C 2 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
PAM 525 0 - Master's Research Project III > Learning Tools
NURS 205 0 - Aesthetics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 1 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
MATH 140 0 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 1 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ED 519 0 - Facilitating Learning in Health/P.E. > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
PSY 222W 0 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
NURS 312 0 - Physiological Cncpts in Clincal Rea > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 4 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
SPED 525 1 - Essnt Knowl Skls Spd Edu Teachers > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 1 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
ENG 342W 0 - Native American Literature > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ACCT 326 1 - Intermediate Financial Acct I > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 0 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
BIOL 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
PSY 410W 0 - Intro to Experimental Psychology > Learning Tools
GEOL 121L 0 - Principles of Geology Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BLE 311 5 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
PSY 390 6 - AT Positive Psychology > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 3 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
Sandbox ENG 351W Spring 2024 Revision > Learning Tools
ENG 341W 0 - Hispanic-Latino/Chicano/Literature > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 11 Videos
SOWK 430 0 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
SOWK 101 0 - Intro to Social Work > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 1 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
TRIO 201 0 - TRIO Student Support Services > Learning Tools
HON 402 0 - Prep for Grad & Prof Stud:Graduate Entrance Exams > Learning Tools
NURS 300AL 2024 - Pharmacology LAB > Learning Tools
ED 403 1 - Special Topic > Learning Tools
CPSC 315 0 - Perl I > Learning Tools
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
CILT 904 1 - Eds Sandbox > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
PAM 520 0 - Master's Research Project II > Learning Tools
ED 102A 0 - Careers in Education II: Seminar > Learning Tools
BADM 344 0 - The Legal Environment of Business > Learning Tools
NURS 206W 0 - Ethical Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
PSY 325W 0 - Developmental Psychology > Learning Tools
CHEM 305 0 - Survey of Organic Chem > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
SPED 537 2 - Curr & Instruct Strat for Student w/Mod/Sev Disab > Learning Tools
NURS 209L 0 - Nursing Procedures Lab > Learning Tools
HON 303 1 - ST GRE Prep > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 2 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
CRMJ 450 0 - Crime and Justice in the Movies > Week 2 Video
BLE 307 0 - Language Acquisition > Session Videos
ENG 102L 0 - English Composition II Lab > Learning Tools
CHEM 310 0 - Organic Chemistry I > Learning Tools
ED 410D 1 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
Social Justice & Diverse Populations (Wednesday) > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 2 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
ENG 102L 1 - English Composition II Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 303 0 - Writing Science Fict and Fantasy > Learning Tools
NURS 114W 0 - Personal Knowledge Development > Learning Tools
ED 405C 0 - Advanced Middle and Secondary Pract > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 2 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 0 - Mental Illness & Diagnosis > Learning Tools
SOWK 366 0 - Substance Abuse Disorders II > Learning Tools
PAM 555A 0 - Procedures and Diagnostics II > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 1 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 1 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
SOWK 323 0 - Spirituality in Social Work Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 590B 0 - Practicum in Teaching AELP > Learning Tools
SOWK 316 1 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
ED 410D 0 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 908 9 - Jim Dugan > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BLE 311 0 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
CILT 900 12 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools 1
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
CILT 908 31 - Ann Kendall II > Learning Tools
SOWK 388 0 - Preparation for Field Practicum > Learning Tools
PSY 549 0 - Family Systems > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 0 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
NURS 322L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reasonin III > Learning Tools
ENG 551 1 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 205 0 - Aesthetics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ED 336A 0 - Methods in Health/PE > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 0 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Learning Tools
CHEM 105 0 - Intermed Gen Chem > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 0 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
CILT 908 33 - Jim D > Learning Tools
ED 491S 0 - Specialty Methods in Secondary Teaching > Learning Tools
NURS 312 0 - Physiological Cncpts in Clincal Rea > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
BIOL 416 0 - Mycology/Parasitology > Learning Tools
BADM 303 2 - ST: Money 101 Personal Finance > Learning Tools
PAM 625 0 - Master's Research Project VI > Learning Tools
ART 307W 0 - World Art Hist II (1500 to Present) > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Video Lecture
BIOL 318W 0 - Genetics > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 551 1 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
PSY 421 0 - Clinical Skills > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
CRMJ 450 0 - Crime and Justice in the Movies > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 5 Video
CPSC 231 0 - Discrete Mathematics > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 314 0 - Psychosocial Cnpts in Cln Rsn > Learning Tools
PSY 339 0 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ART 170 0 - Basic Design I > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 1 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SPED 433 0 - Behavior Management & Positive Behavior Support > Learning Tools
ED 101A 0 - Careers in Education I: Seminar > Learning Tools
ECS 308 0 - Divrsty & Cul Cmpte Yg Chld & Fam > Learning Tools 2
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ED 486 0 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ED 417C 0 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
ED 101A 0 - Careers in Education I: Seminar > Learning Tools
ART 390 3 - Advanced Topic > Learning Tools
BIOL 417A 0 - Hematology and Hemostasis > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ED 519 Health and Fitness (Toppenish) > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
MATH 221 2 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
NURS 300AL 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing Lab > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 1 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
BLE 311 0 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
MATH 140 0 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
ECS 404 0 - Erly Learn Curr Domains > Learning Tools
BLE 526 0 - Lit & Bil/ESL Student > Class Session Videos & ePortfolio
ENG 103 0 - SP English Comp I (IndigenousOratory) > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
HIS 101W 0 - World Civilization I > Learning Tools
NURS 306L 0 - Family Nursing Practice Lab > Learning Tools
PSY 412 0 - History & Systems of Psychology > Learning Tools
Extreme Makeover - Math & Science Edition Tri Cities > Learning Tools
ENSC 380 0 - Introduction to R > Learning Tools
ART 202 1 - Intro to Digital Photography > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 1 - Intro to Abnormal Psychology > Learning Tools
CPSC 230 0 - Databases I > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 0 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 4 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
ED 347A 1 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
FISH 110 0 - Introduction to Fisheries > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 2 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 12 Videos
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
SOWK 317 0 - Social Policy II > Learning Tools
ACCT 328 0 - Intermediate Financial Acct III > Learning Tools
BIOL 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
PSY 410W 0 - Intro to Experimental Psychology > Learning Tools
BADM 303 0 - ST: Money Management > Learning Tools
CHEM 410L 0 - BioChemistry Lab > Learning Tools
ED 388 2 - Project-based Tch Lrn Elm Clsrm > Learning Tools
CILT 908 6 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ENSC 305 0 - General Ecology > Learning Tools
CILT 900 5 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
PSY 222W 0 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
ED 403 0 - Special Topic > Learning Tools
ED 557A 1 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
PAM 545 0 - Introduction to Primary Care andthe Normal Patient > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ED 556 0 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
ED 481S 0 - Secondary Co-teaching > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools (imported)
ED 496AW 2 - Senior Capstone Project I > Learning Tools
PAM 505 0 - Behavioral Medicine II > Learning Tools
ED 525A 0 - Fac Lear/Soc Stud & Lit/Chil > Learning Tools
CRMJ 402 2 - Human Trafficking > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 2 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
NURS 306 0 - Family Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
NURS 216 - Thinking Like a Nurse > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
ENG 101 1 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
BIOL 506 0 - Medical Skills and Theory II > Learning Tools
PSY 325W 0 - Developmental Psychology > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
BADM 495 0 - Special Project > Learning Tools
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
CRMJ 370 0 - Survey Criminal Justice System > Learning Tools
ART 280 0 - Drawing II > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools 1
CRMJ 320 0 - Juvenile Justice > Learning Tools
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
NURS 215 0 - Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
ED 317C 0 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ACCT 333 0 - Federal Income Tax I > Learning Tools
ART 265 0 - Pottery I > Learning Tools
BIOL 416 0 - Mycology/Parasitology > Learning Tools
BADM 351 0 - Human Resource Management > Learning Tools
CRMJ 345 0 - Criminal Investigation > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 7 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 2 Video
SOWK 316 0 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
MATH 221 1 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
ED 315B 0 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ART 250 0 - Painting I > Learning Tools
BIOL 512 0 - Foundations of Personalized Medicin > Learning Tools
ED 410D 2 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
BADM 400 0 - Conflict Management and Negotiation > Learning Tools
ENG 102 0 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410C 0 - Organized Crime > Learning Tools
MATH 150L 0 - Trigonometry Lab > Learning Tools
PSY 101 0 - Introduction to Psychology > Learning Tools
ENG 200 1 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 101 4 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
BIOL 417A 0 - Hematology and Hemostasis > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 0 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Lecture Videos
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
ED 517A 0 - Facilitating Learning in Sciences > Learning Tools
MATH 303 0 - SP: Topics in Mathematics > Learning Tools
PAM 535 0 - Professional Issues for PhysicianAssistants II > Learning Tools
CHEM 311 0 - Organic Chemistry II > Learning Tools
BLE 527 1 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
CILT 908 5 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ED 459W 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
ENG 590B 0 - Practicum in Teaching AELP > Learning Tools
CILT 902 3 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 1 Video
PAM 530 0 - Professional Issues for PhysicianAssistants I > Learning Tools
CILT 805 12 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
MATH 135 0 - Business Algebra > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 0 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
BLE 520 0 - History/Theory Bil Ed > Learning Tools
ED 556 0 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
PSY 312 0 - Psychology of Gender and Sexuality > Learning Tools
CILT 902 6 - Kirstin James-Dunn > Learning Tools
HON 303 0 - ST Researche Methods > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
HIS 303 0 - ST US Popular Culture > Learning Tools
ED 556 1 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
ED 343 1 - Innvt Dgn Edu Tech Elm STEM > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 2 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
ENGR 101A 1 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 3 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
CHEM 110L 1 - Gen Chemistry I Lab > Learning Tools
CILT 901 1 - Intro Faculty Development > Learning Tools
PSY 335W 0 - Theories of Personality > Learning Tools
ED 517A 1 - Facilitating Learning in Sciences > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
FIN 325 1 - Investments > Learning Tools
ED 516B 1 - Facil Learning in Math: 5-8 Emp > Learning Tools
BLE 307 2 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 1 - Mental Illness & Diagnosis > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 908 5 - Rosa > Learning Tools
ED 556 1 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
NURS 314 0 - Psychosocial Cnpts in Cln Rsn > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ED 519 1 - Facilitating Learning in Health/P.E. > Learning Tools
NURS 215L 0 - Lab Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
ENSC 350 0 - Environmental Law and Justice > Learning Tools
ENGR 101A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
CHEM 410W 0 - Biochemistry > Learning Tools
SOWK 322 0 - Practice w/ Persons w/ Spec Needs > Learning Tools
HIS 322W 0 - Historical Methods > Learning Tools
PAM 515 0 - Master's Research Project I > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ED 498AW 2 - Intro Teach Portfolio Assessment > Learning Tools
ENG 103 0 - Special Topic > Learning Tools
BIOL 421 0 - Preclinical Rotation Course > Panopto
CPSC 326 0 - Web Systems & Technologies > Learning Tools
CHEM 311 0 - Organic Chemistry II > Learning Tools
NURS 207 0 - Relationship Based Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
CRMJ 200 0 - Criminal Justice Organization & Adm > Learning Tools
POSC 311 1 - The Judiciary > Learning Tools
NURS 312L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reas I Lab > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 14 Videos
ENSC 335 0 - Fund of Atmospheric Science > Learning Tools
ENG 557A 0 - Children's Literature > Learning Tools
ACCT 334 0 - Federal Income Tax II > Learning Tools
SOWK 366 0 - Substance Abuse Disorders II > Learning Tools
NURS 800 0 - BSN Orientation > Learning Tools
CRMJ 330 0 - Criminal Gang Organizations > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
PSY 222W 1 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
ED 304 0 - Teacher Prep Orientation > Learning Tools
ED 524B 0 - Developing Literacy > Session Video and ePortfolio
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools
CILT 908 17 - George Onwumere > Learning Tools
BIOL 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
PAM 555A 0 - Procedures and Diagnostics II > Learning Tools
ED 417C 1 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
ED 564A 0 - Creating School Culture > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 0 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
CPSC 231 0 - Discrete Mathematics > Learning Tools
CILT 806 2 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
BLE 535 0 - Sociolinguistics > Learning Tools
ED 328A 0 - Methods in the Arts > Learning Tools
MATH 305 0 - Discrete Math for Educators > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ED 524B 0 - Developing Literacy > Session Video and ePortfolio
CHEM 410W 0 - Biochemistry > Learning Tools
PAM 625 0 - Master's Research Project VI > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
BIOL 421 0 - Preclinical Rotation Course > Learning Tools
KAJD Grist Sandbox > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 3 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
PHYS 211L 0 - Lab General Physics II > Learning Tools
ASC 100 1 - Academic Skills Center > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 2 Video
NSO 200 2 - New Student Orientation Tran Stu > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENSC 390 0 - Wildlife Ecology and Techniques > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 0 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
BIOL 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
HIS 499W 0 - History Capstone > Learning Tools
NURS 300AL 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing Lab > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315AW 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement & CrimeControl Policies > e Learning tool
ED 518 2 - Facilitating Learning in the Arts > Learning Tools
ED 315B 2 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
ED 315B 0 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
ED 317A 1 - Math Methods I > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 0 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
CILT 903 0 - Sandbox 2 > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 1 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ENG 510B 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 1 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
ENSC 322W 0 - Environmental Literature > Learning Tools
JENZ101 B - Jenzabar Copy Course > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 2 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
SOWK 390 1 - Adv Agency Internship > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 0 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ED 498AW 1 - Intro Teach Portfolio Assessment > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 0 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
ED 481E 2 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
ENG 101 1 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
PSY 321W 1 - Social Psychology > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 1 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
CAMP 102 0 - CAMP Introduction to College II > Learning Tools
BIOL 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ART 358 0 - Acrylic Painting II > Learning Tools
ED 518 0 - Facilitating Learning in the Arts > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
SOWK 322 0 - Practice w/ Persons w/ Spec Needs > Learning Tools
ENG 324W 0 - Advanced Comp: Writ in the Sciences > Learning Tools
MATH 096 0 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Learning Tools
SOWK 366 2 - Substance Abuse Disorders II > Learning Tools
ED 328A 0 - Methods in the Arts > Learning Tools
ED 496AW 0 - Senior Capstone Project I > Learning Tools
PHSC 106 0 - Quantative Conceptual Translationsin Science > Learning Tools
CRMJ 330 1 - Criminal Gang Organizations > Learning Tools
ED 410D 0 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
PHYS 101L 0 - Intro to Physics Lab > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 096 1 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 0 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 0 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
ED 481E 0 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
ED 317C 1 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
MATH 150 0 - Trigonometry > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ACCT 230 0 - Fundamentals of Accounting I > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Learning Tools
PHYS 101 0 - Introduction to Physics > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
ENG 101 5 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
ED 564A 0 - Creating School Culture > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
ED 586S 0 - Special Education Law & Finance > Learning Tools
HIS 403 0 - ST: Vietnam War > Learning Tools
ENG 102L 0 - English Composition II Lab > Learning Tools
MATH 096 1 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Video Lecture
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
ED 567A 0 - Data & Student Achievement > Learning Tools
CHEM 101L 0 - Intro to Chemistry Lab > Learning Tools
ACCT 328 0 - Intermediate Financial Acct III > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
HIS 303 1 - ST "Playing Indian" > Learning Tools
ED 304 0 - Teacher Prep Orientation > Learning Tools
ART 170 0 - Basic Design I > Learning Tools
ENG 101 1 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
ED 491M 0 - Specialty Methods in Middle Level Teaching > Learning Tools
SOC 460W 1 - Social Science Research Mtd > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 1 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
PSY 330 1 - Human Learning & Cognition > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 0 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
CILT 908 12 - SB Sandbox Class > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 0 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
MATH 094 4 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ENG 310 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
ENSC 101L 0 - Lab Intro Environ Science > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Panopto Lecture Capture
ED 347A 1 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > PANOPTO
HON 303 1 - Special Topic: Research Methods > Learning Tools
PSY 321W 1 - Social Psychology > Learning Tools
ED 347A 2 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 0 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
CHEM 311 0 - Organic Chemistry II > Learning Tools
ENG 322W 0 - Environmental Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 200 1 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
CHEM 311 0 - Organic Chemistry II > Learning Tools
CPSC 302 0 - Java II > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 1 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
NURS 312 0 - Physiological Cncpts in Clincal Rea > Learning Tools
ART 265 0 - Pottery I > Learning Tools
POSC 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
CHEM 110L 0 - Gen Chemistry I Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 454W 0 - Teaching Comp > Learning Tools
BIOL 505 0 - Medical Skills and Theory I > Learning Tools
ED 459W 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 0 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
PHSC 321 0 - Environmental Geology > Learning Tools
ED 481E 1 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
PAM 525 0 - Master's Research Project III > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BIOL 330W 0 - Molecular and Cell Biology > Learning Tools
ED 505 0 - Essential Educational Concepts > Learning Tools
CHEM 105 0 - Intermed Gen Chem > Learning Tools
CRMJ 300 0 - Criminology > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 4 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENSC 235 0 - Fund of Atmospheric Science > Learning Tools
MATH 096 0 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
ED 347A 2 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools 1
MATH 094 6 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
MATH 095 0 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
PHYS 102 0 - Introduction to Physics II > Learning Tools
ART 355 0 - Ceramic Sculpture I > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
ED 452A 1 - Interdisciplinary Apprch Mthds Tch > Learning Tools
CRMJ 370 1 - Survey Criminal Justice System > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
ED 516A 0 - Facil Learn in Math: K-4 Emphasis > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 0 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 541 0 - Hispanic-Latino/a-Chicano/a Literature > Learning Tools
CHEM 331 0 - Environmental Chemistry > Learning Tools
NURS 317 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
ENG 557 0 - Young Adult Literature > Learning Tools
CILT 805 8 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
HIS 322W 0 - Historical Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ENG 206B 0 - Play Production > Learning Tools
ED 416A Science Methods II TtP > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 3 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ED 519 0 - Facilitating Learning in Health/P.E. > Learning Tools
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
MATH 140 0 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 6 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 564A 0 - Creating School Culture > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ED 524B 0 - Developing Literacy > Session Videos & ePortfolio
ENSC 440W 0 - Environ Issues & Ethics > Learning Tools
ED 556 1 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
HON 401 0 - Prep for Grad & Prof Stud GRE > Learning Tools
MATH 094 2 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
NURS 317 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
MATH 096 0 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
PAM 610 0 - Community-Based Clinical ExperienceIII > Learning Tools
PAM 525 0 - Master's Research Project III > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 1 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > PANOPTO
CILT 908 4 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
BLE 307 5 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 1 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
BLE 522 1 - ESL in the Content Area > Course Session Recordings
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
CILT 806 5 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
NURS 306 0 - Family Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
ART 170 0 - Basic Design I > Learning Tools
SOWK 390 1 - Advanced TopicFoundations in Healthcare > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools 1
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools (imported)
ENSC 235 0 - Fund of Atmospheric Science > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ED 410B 2 - Issues of Abuse > Learning Tools
ENG 101 0 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
ENG 102 0 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ART 390 2 - AT: Basic Design I > Learning Tools
ED 505 0 - Essential Educational Concepts > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 0 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
ENGR 125 0 - Introduction to CAD > Learning Tools
CILT 900 12 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
SOWK 475 0 - Child Welfare > Learning Tools
ECS 305 0 - Delvpmt Eff Instrnl Prac > Learning Tools
SPED 201 0 - Intro Sped Edu Para Edu > Learning Tools
ENG 510A 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
SPED 537 0 - Curr & Instruct Strat for Student w/Mod/Sev Disab > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
NSO 400 0 - New Student Orientation OL > Learning Tools
BLE 415 1 - Equitable Assessment of ELL > Learning Tools
ED 481E 1 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses / BIOL-425 Pathophysiolo > Learning Tools
CRMJ 390 0 - Biased Bases Issues > Learning Tools
MATH 095 2 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
ED 524B 0 - Developing Literacy > Learning Tools
SOWK 388 0 - Preparation for Field Practicum > Learning Tools
IT1234 IT 911 - IT-TESTING > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 1 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
BLE 403 1 - Special Topic > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
BLE 526 2 - Lit & Bil/ESL Student > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 0 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
CILT 906 1 - New MyHeritage Course Template > Learning Tools
ENG 337 0 - Introduction to Linguistics > Learning Tools
ENSC 380 0 - Introduction to R > Learning Tools
SOWK 316 1 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 390 0 - Leadership in 21st Century > Learning Tools
PSY 222W 0 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools (imported)
MATH 150 0 - Trigonometry > Learning Tools
PAM 520 0 - Master's Research Project II > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 2 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
BIOL 330W 0 - Molecular and Cell Biology > Learning Tools
BIOL 416 0 - Mycology/Parasitology > Learning Tools
CILT 801 15 - Online Teaching and Learning > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 2 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 515 0 - British Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
CHEM 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
CHEM 411 0 - Biochemistry II > Learning Tools
RDG 573 10 - Reading/Literacy Internship > Learning Tools
ED 557D 0 - Curr, Inst, Manag/Assess II > Learning Tools
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
ENG 200 1 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
CHEM 305 0 - Survey of Organic Chem > Learning Tools
SOWK 322 0 - Practice w/ Persons w/ Spec Needs > Learning Tools
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
BIOL 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
ENG 001 1 - Summer 2021 > Learning Tools
ENG 101 0 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
ED 565A 0 - Closing the Achievement Gap > Learning Tools
PAM 550A 0 - Procedures and Diagnostics I > Learning Tools
ART 250 0 - Painting I > Learning Tools
ED 315B 1 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
NURS 216 0 - Prof Nursing-Thinking Like a Nurse > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
ED 556 0 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
CILT 806 10 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 0 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
BLE 411 0 - Hist/Theory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
HIS 499W 0 - History Capstone > Learning Tools
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENSC 340 0 - Fundamentals of Hydrology > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ENG 551 1 - Technical Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ED 519 Health and Fitness (Tri Cities) > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
SOWK 491 2 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
ECON 345 0 - Money and Banking > Learning Tools
SOWK 322 2 - Practice w/ Persons w/ Spec Needs > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 5 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
ED 594R 0 - Rsch Assmt Dta Anlys Symp > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
BLE 411 0 - Hist/Theory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 1 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ED 336 2 - Methods Health & Fitness > Learning Tools
BLE 527 0 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
ACCT 334 1 - Federal Income Tax II > Learning Tools
NURS 216 0 - Prof Nursing-Thinking Like a Nurse > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
NURS 292L 0 - Health & Phys Assess Lab > Learning Tools
Ann Olson’s Version of Brit Lit Slightly Modified > Learning Tools
NURS 300AL 1 - Pharmacology for Nursing Lab > Learning Tools
CILT 908 10 - Jim Dugan > Learning Tools
CILT 902 7 - Kirstin James-Dunn (ENG 101) > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
NURS 207 0 - Relationship Based Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 098 0 - College Reading > Learning Tools
ART 355 0 - Ceramic Sculpture I > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 2 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
ED 557A 0 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
POSC 314 0 - Civil Liberties > Learning Tools
ED 304 0 - Teacher Prep Orientation > Learning Tools
ENSC 340 0 - Fundamentals of Hydrology > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 2 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
PSY 339 0 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
BLE 526 0 - Lit & Bil/ESL Student > Class Session Videos & ePortfolio
ED 405C 0 - Advanced Middle and Secondary Pract > Learning Tools
SOWK 388 0 - Preparation for Field Practicum > Learning Tools
CHEM 311 0 - Organic Chemistry II > Learning Tools
ED 328A 2 - Methods in the Arts > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
ED 505 0 - Essential Educational Concepts > Learning Tools
BIOL 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ENG 319 0 - Applied Syntax > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 0 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BIOL 417A 0 - Hematology and Hemostasis > Learning Tools
NURS 215 0 - Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
CHEM 110 1 - General Chemistry I > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 1 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
CHEM 105 0 - Intermed Gen Chem > Learning Tools
ED 343 0 - Innvt Dgn Edu Tech Elm STEM > Learning Tools
MATH 150 0 - Trigonometry > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ENG 341W 0 - Hispanic-Latino/Chicano/Literature > Learning Tools
KAJD Research Methods FA21 CILT 908 32 - Kirstin James-Dunn > Learning Tools
ACCT 490 1 - Internship > Learning Tools
PAM 565A 0 - Integrated Primary Care II > Learning Tools
RDG 509 0 - Content Area Literacy > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 1 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
PAM 565A 0 - Integrated Primary Care II > Learning Tools
ENSC 305 0 - General Ecology > Learning Tools
CHEM 411 0 - Biochemistry II > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 096 0 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
CILT 805 5 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
NSO 300 0 - New Student Orientation TC > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
HON 291 0 - Honors Seminar Social Science > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 0 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
PSY 390 1 - AT: Crisis intervention > Learning Tools
SOC 460W 1 - Social Science Research Mtd > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
BLE 311 1 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
BLE 530 1 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 7 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
PAM 620 0 - Master's Research Project V > Learning Tools
HIS 312W 0 - Pacific Northwest History > Learning Tools
CILT 805 11 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ED 491M 0 - Specialty Methods in Middle Level Teaching > Learning Tools 1
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
PSY 345 0 - Measurement & Evaluation > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 2 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Learning Tools
ENG 200 1 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ART 202 0 - Intro to Digital Photography > Learning Tools
ED 388 2 - Project-based Tch Lrn Elm Clsrm > Learning Tools
SOWK 366 0 - Substance Abuse Disorders II > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
SPED 430 0 - Introduction to Special Education > Learning Tools
ED 459W 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
ENG 598B 0 - Thesis II > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
ENG 101 1 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
CILT 805 10 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 101 0 - Intro to Social Work > Learning Tools
ENG 102 3 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ED 388 1 - Project-based Tch Lrn Elm Clsrm > Learning Tools
BIOL 430 0 - Developmental Biology > Learning Tools
ENG 450W 0 - Literary Theory > Learning Tools
ED 486 1 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
PHYS 101 0 - Introduction to Physics > Learning Tools
CRMJ 300 0 - Criminology > Learning Tools
ED 481M 0 - Middle School Student Teaching > Learning Tools
ACCT 380 0 - Accounting Information Systems > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 5 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 0 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 3 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
CHEM 410W 0 - Biochemistry > Learning Tools
CILT 805 0 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
POSC 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
BLE 530 1 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 0 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 3 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 1 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ED 315B 2 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 8 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
NURS 114W 0 - Personal Knowledge Development > Learning Tools
BADM 351 0 - Human Resource Management > Learning Tools
ENSC 350 0 - Environmental Law and Justice > Learning Tools
BLE 311 1 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
MATH 150 0 - Trigonometry > Learning Tools
NURS 209L 1 - Nursing Procedures Lab > Learning Tools
HON 303 0 - Special Topic: GRE Prep > Learning Tools
CRMJ 301 0 - Criminal Law > Learning Tools
PHYS 212 0 - General Physics II > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315AW 0 - Survey of Crime Control PoliciesControl Policies > Learning Tools
ENSC 102L 0 - Introduction to EnvriomentalScience II Lab > Learning Tools
CRMJ 345 0 - Criminal Investigation > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 2 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
SOWK 310A 0 - Survey of Family Violence > Learning Tools
NURS 215 0 - Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
BLE 527 1 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
PSY 222W 0 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
FISH 110 0 - Introduction to Fisheries > Learning Tools
NURS 312L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reas I Lab > Learning Tools
ED 347B 0 - D I:Spec Nds Stds/ Rg Clsrm > Learning Tools
BLE 522 1 - ESL in the Content Area > Course Session Recordings
CRMJ 301 1 - Criminal Law > Learning Tools
ENG 546 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
NURS 300AL 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing Lab > Learning Tools
RDG 506 0 - Instructional Methods in Reading, Writing & Commun > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 2 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools 1
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 6 Videos
BIOL 417A 0 - Hematology and Hemostasis > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
PHYS 211 0 - General Physics I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 2 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 366 2 - Substance Abuse Disorders II > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 2 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 0 - Intro to Abnormal Psychology > Learning Tools
BIOL 318W 0 - Genetics > Learning Tools
ART 355 0 - Ceramic Sculpture I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 3 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ECS 400 0 - Erly Learng Currclm Domanin > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 1 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 902 3 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CRMJ 370 0 - Survey Criminal Justice System > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 410W 0 - Grant Writing > Learning Tools
BADM 303 2 - ST: Money Management > Learning Tools
BADM 317 1 - Advanced Professional Communication > Learning Tools
BLE 535 0 - Sociolinguistics > Learning Tools
NURS 306L 1 - Family Nursing Practice Lab > Learning Tools
ART 240 0 - American Indian Cultural Arts > Learning Tools
CRMJ 200 0 - Criminal Justice Organization & Adm > Learning Tools
ED 557A 0 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
ENSC 321 0 - Geographic Information Systems > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Video lecture of Chapter 3
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ED 496BW 2 - Senior Capstone Project & Symposium > Learning Tools
PSY 390 0 - AT Research Methods > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ED 491S 0 - Specialty Methods in Secondary Teaching > Learning Tools 1
ART 202 0 - Intro to Digital Photography > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
DRMA 206B 0 - Play Production > Learning Tools
NURS 314 0 - Psychosocial Cnpts in Cln Rsn > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 0 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ED 496AW 0 - Senior Capstone Project I > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 2 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
NURS 215L 0 - Lab Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
MATH 150 0 - Trigonometry > Learning Tools
SOWK 316 1 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 5 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 5 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SPAN 570 0 - Introductory Spanish for MedicalProfessionals > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 7 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
NURS 205 0 - Aesthetics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
PSY 335W 0 - Theories of Personality > Learning Tools
ECS 308 0 - Divrsty & Cul Cmpte Yg Chld & Fam > Learning Tools 2
ENG 101 4 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
PSY 345 1 - Measurement & Evaluation > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 3 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ED 496AW 1 - Senior Capstone Project I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
SPED 568 0 - Special Education Law > Learning Tools
BIOL 318W 0 - Genetics > Learning Tools
NSO 400 0 - New Student Orientation OL > Learning Tools
CILT 906 0 - New MyHeritage Course Template > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
BIOL 322 0 - Microbiology > Learning Tools
NURS 103A 0 - Pre Nursing Pathway > Learning Tools
NURS 208 0 - Empirics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
HIS 311W 0 - Native American History > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 5 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
CHEM 411 0 - Biochemistry II > Learning Tools
CILT 806 8 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
ENSC 380 0 - Introduction to R > Learning Tools
PAM 565A 0 - Integrated Primary Care II > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 1 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
BIOL 322 0 - Microbiology > Learning Tools
MATH 221L 0 - Introduction to Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 340W 0 - Literature by Women > Learning Tools
MATH 095 0 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
SOWK 475 0 - Child Welfare > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 2 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 0 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Lecture Video
ENSC 390 0 - Advanced Topic > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
NURS 207 0 - Relationship Based Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
ED 519 5 - Facilitating Learning in Health/P.E. > Learning Tools
PAM 540 0 - Professional Issues for PhysicianAssistants III > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
CRMJ 405 0 - Technology in Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
CHEM 411 0 - Biochemistry II > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 3 Videos
ED 359 1 - Fcltng Lrn Soc Stu Lit Children > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
MATH 095 2 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
ENG 102L 1 - English Composition II Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 2 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
HIS 204 0 - Fundamentals of History of the American People I > Learning Tools
BLE 532 0 - Culturally Responsive Practice > Learning Tools
CRMJ 340 0 - Coummunity Corrections > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 1 Video
ENSC 409 0 - Seminar II > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
NURS 114W 1 - Personal Knowledge Development > Learning Tools
ED 317C 3 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ENG 102 3 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ENG 102L 0 - English Composition II Lab > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
BLE 406WB 0 - Reading & Language Arts BilingualEducation/ESL > Learning Tools
CILT 908 20 - Shawna Martin > Learning Tools
NURS 316 0 - Physiological Concepts in ClinicalReasoning II > Learning Tools
ENG 102 2 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
SOWK 459W 4 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
PAM 500 0 - Behavioral Medicine I > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 3 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
CRMJ 372 2 - Correctional Systems & JuvenileJustice > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 904 2 - Eds Sandbox > Learning Tools
CILT 900 1 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
BLE 530 0 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
BLE 411 2 - Hist/Theory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 366 0 - Substance Abuse Disorders II > Learning Tools
ED 527 1 - School Curriculum > Learning Tools
CILT 805 3 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
ED 496AW 0 - Senior Capstone Project I > Learning Tools
ED 417A 5 - Math Methods II > Learning Tools
HIS 311W 0 - Native American History > Learning Tools
NURS 304 0 - Quality, Safety & Infmtcs Nurs Prac > Learning Tools
NURS 216 - Thinking Like a Nurse > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Panopto
ED 565A 0 - Closing the Achievement Gap > Learning Tools
BIOL 482 0 - Applied Bioinformatics > Learning Tools
BADM 351 0 - Human Resource Management > Learning Tools
BADM 103 0 - ST: Intro To Agri Business > Learning Tools
BIOL 417A 0 - Hematology and Hemostasis > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
PHYS 102 0 - Introduction to Physics II > Learning Tools
CILT 902 0 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
SOWK 322 0 - Practice w/ Persons w/ Spec Needs > Learning Tools
CHEM 111 0 - General Chemistry II > Learning Tools
HON 402 0 - Prep for Grad & Prof Stud:Graduate Entrance Exams > Learning Tools
ENG 102 2 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
NURS 317L 0 - Community Oriented Nursing Pract Lb > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 1 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ENSC 390 0 - Advanced Topic > Learning Tools
BIOL 423 0 - Clinical Microbiology > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 7 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ACCT 432 0 - Auditing I > Learning Tools
MATH 135 0 - Business Algebra > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 0 - Intro to Abnormal Psychology > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 0 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
CILT 900 12 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 5 Video
BIOL 423 0 - Clinical Microbiology > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
BADM 360 0 - Financial Management > Learning Tools
CHEM 410W 0 - Biochemistry > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
ED 403 edTPA Seminar > Learning Tools
ENSC 350 0 - Environmental Law and Justice > Learning Tools
ART 307W 0 - World Art Hist II (1500 to Present) > Learning Tools
ED 352A 1 - Interdisciplinary App Mth Tch Cnt > Learning Tools
PSY 345 1 - Measurement & Evaluation > Learning Tools
BIOL 322 0 - Microbiology > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 3 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ED 315B 1 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
PAM 555A 0 - Procedures and Diagnostics II > Learning Tools
MATH 094 3 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ART 202 0 - Intro to Digital Photography > Learning Tools
ENGR 102A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 1 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 2 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
NURS 318 0 - Nursing Leadership and Management > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ED 343A 0 - Foundations Educational Technology > Learning Tools
CHEM 110 0 - General Chemistry I > Learning Tools
ART 270 0 - Basic Design II (3-Dimensional Design) > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 510A 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
ENSC 220 0 - Intro to Climate Studies > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
ED 417A 0 - Math Methods II > Learning Tools
ENG 102 5 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
Research Methods Update for FA23 > Learning Tools
MATH 150 0 - Trigonometry > Learning Tools
CHEM 311 0 - Organic Chemistry II > Learning Tools
CILT 908 7 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
RDG 509 10 - Content Area Literacy > Learning Tools
BADM 400 0 - Conflict Management and Negotiation > Learning Tools
ENG 352W 0 - Creative Writing > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
BLE 532 10 - Culturally Responsive Practice > Learning Tools
ED 359 2 - Fcltng Lrn Soc Stu Lit Children > Learning Tools
PAM 520 0 - Master's Research Project II > Learning Tools
SPAN 570 0 - Introductory Spanish for MedicalProfessionals > Learning Tools
CHEM 412 0 - Inorganic Chemistry I > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 1 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
BADM 351 0 - Human Resource Management > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 1 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
BLE 526 1 - Lit & Bil/ESL Student > Class Session Videos & ePortfolio
ENSC 322W 0 - Environmental Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 906 2 - New MyHeritage Course Template > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 2 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
CHEM 111 0 - General Chemistry II > Learning Tools
ENG 557A 0 - Children's Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 1 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
CILT 805 6 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 0 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
CHEM 411 0 - Biochemistry II > Learning Tools
ENGR 202A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
ED 324 0 - Literacy Foundations > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Video Lecture
ENG 200 1 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 341W 0 - Hispanic-Latino/Chicano/Literature > Learning Tools
MATH 094 1 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ART 390 2 - Advanced Topic > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 6 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
BADM 360 1 - Financial Management > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
HON 291 0 - Honors Seminar Social Science > Learning Tools
NURS 322L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reasonin III > Learning Tools
ED 518 0 - Facilitating Learning in the Arts > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 4 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
RDG 507 10 - Assessment & Diagnosis of Reading,Writing & Comm > Learning Tools
HIS 204 0 - Fundamentals of History of the American People I > Learning Tools
CILTENG 0 - English Practice I > Learning Tools
SOWK 317 0 - Social Policy II > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 0 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 1 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 114W 1 - Personal Knowledge Development > Learning Tools (imported)
ED 564A 0 - Creating School Culture > Learning Tools
ED 516A 1 - Facil Learn in Math: K-4 Emphasis > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 0 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Learning Tools
ENG 001 2 - English Summer Bridge > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 0 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
PSY 335W 0 - Theories of Personality > Learning Tools
ART 180 0 - Drawing I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ENG 103 0 - Special Topic > Learning Tools
ED 452A 2 - Interdisciplinary Apprch Mthds Tch > Learning Tools
ACCT 327 0 - Intermediate Financial Acct II > Learning Tools
BIOL 416 0 - Mycology/Parasitology > Learning Tools
NURS 208 0 - Empirics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
CILT 908 8 - Ioannis > Learning Tools
CILT 904 0 - Eds Sandbox > Learning Tools
ART 356 0 - Ceramic Sculpture II > Learning Tools
PAM 600 0 - Community Based ClinicalExperiences I > Learning Tools
ED 527A 0 - Curriculum Alignment > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 2 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 3 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ED 343A 1 - Foundations Educational Technology > Learning Tools
CILTSOWK 306 1 - Practice Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 101 0 - Intro to Social Work > Learning Tools
ED 564A 0 - Creating School Culture > Learning Tools
BLE 530 1 - Educational Linguistics > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 5 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools (imported)
ENGR 102A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
CILT 806 7 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 3 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
MATH 221 4 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
MATH 221L 1 - Introduction to Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ART 180 0 - Drawing I > Learning Tools
ENG 101 20 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
NURS 418L 0 - Professional Role Integration > Learning Tools
BADM 101 0 - Intro to Business Management > Learning Tools
ED 305CW 1 - Found Edu Learning Theory > Learning Tools
ED 582S 0 - Secondary Co-Teaching Internship > Learning Tools
BADM 230 0 - Information Systems and Analytics > Learning Tools
CAMP 102 1 - CAMP Introduction to College II > Learning Tools
RDG 505 10 - Beginning Literacy > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 322L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reasonin III > Learning Tools
CILT 806 4 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 3 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ENSC 355 0 - Environmental Public Policy and > Learning Tools
ED 315B 0 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
NSO 400 0 - New Student Orientation OL > Learning Tools
ED 459W 1 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
BADM 390W 0 - AT: Money 101: Buildng Your Toolbox > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 0 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ENG 102 20 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 1 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
NURS 322L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reasonin III > Learning Tools
POSC 101 0 - Intro Polit Sci > Learning Tools
NURS 304 0 - Quality, Safety & Infmtcs Nurs Prac > Learning Tools
CHEM 310 0 - Organic Chemistry I > Learning Tools
SPED 538 0 - Assessment & Evaluation of Studentswith Disabilit > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
ED 347A 0 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
HIS 205W 0 - Fund of the History of the AmericanPeople II > Learning Tools
MATH 384 0 - Geometry and Measurement > Learning Tools
ED 556 1 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 3 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 565A 0 - Closing the Achievement Gap > Learning Tools
ENGR 201A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
NURS 103A 0 - Pre Nursing Pathway > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Video lecture of Chapter 2
NURS 215L 0 - Lab Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
NURS 314 0 - Psychosocial Cnpts in Cln Rsn > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 3 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ED 498AW 0 - Intro Teach Portfolio Assessment > Learning Tools
ENG 103 0 - Special Topic > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 0 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
ED 410D 0 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
ED 517A 0 - Facilitating Learning in Sciences > Learning Tools
ED 524C 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
NSO 400 0 - New Student Orientation OL > Learning Tools
ED 407A 1 - Teaching Inq thr Science Eng Prctcs > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 1 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BLE 311 2 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
NURS 304 0 - Quality, Safety & Infmtcs Nurs Prac > Learning Tools
CILT 902 14 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
BLE 526 3 - Lit & Bil/ESL Student > Class Session Videos & ePortfolio
BLE 415 0 - Equitable Assessment of ELL > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
CILT 903 14 - Sandbox 2 > Learning Tools
SOWK 317 0 - Social Policy II > Learning Tools
ED 557D 0 - Curr, Inst, Manag/Assess II > Learning Tools
ENG 557 0 - Young Adult Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 360B 0 - Literature for Young Adults > Learning Tools
BIOL 320 0 - Medical Microbiology > Learning Tools
PSY 222W 1 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
SOWK 310D 0 - Survey Human Services w/Indig Pple > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 0 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
HON 303 0 - SP GRE Prep > Learning Tools
ED 102A 0 - Careers in Education II: Seminar > Learning Tools
BLE 527 0 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 2 Videos
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Panopto Lectures
ENG 101L 1 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
SOWK 475 0 - Child Welfare > Learning Tools
ENG 310 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
ENG 101 5 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ACCT 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ASC 100 1 - Academic Skills Center > Learning Tools
CILT 903 8 - Lab Safety Modules > Learning Tools
HON 402 0 - Prep for Grad & Prof Stud:Graduate Entrance Exams > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ED 500 1 - Master in Teaching Orientation > Learning Tools
ED 410D 2 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
BIOL 330W 0 - Molecular and Cell Biology > Learning Tools
CILT 908 26 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ECS 400 0 - Erly Learng Currclm Domanin > Learning Tools
ENG 438 0 - Applied Linguistics > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
SOWK 390 0 - Child Welfare > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 491S 0 - Specialty Methods in Secondary Teaching > Learning Tools 1
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 2 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
WASC Tutor Training > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 1 - Intro to Abnormal Psychology > Learning Tools
ED 491M 0 - Specialty Methods in Middle Level Teaching > Learning Tools 1
PSY 421 0 - Clinical Skills > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 1 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
ED 565A 0 - Closing the Achievement Gap > Learning Tools
CRMJ 371 1 - Interpersonal Comm in Criminal Just > Learning Tools
ART 170 0 - Basic Design I > Learning Tools
ENG 101 2 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 806 1 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
ENSC 355 0 - Environmental Public Policy > Learning Tools
Social Work 459W Social Science Research Methods > Lectures
BLE 411 0 - Hist/Threory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
ART 306W 0 - World Art Hist I (Ancient to 1500) > Learning Tools
JENZ101 A - Jenzabar Copy Course > Learning Tools
SOWK 310A 0 - Survey of Family Violence > Learning Tools
BLE 522 0 - ESL in the Content Area > Learning Tools
HIS 303 2 - Special Topics in History > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Learning Tools
ACCT 432 0 - Auditing I > Learning Tools
ART 170 0 - Basic Design I > Learning Tools
ENSC 101L 0 - Lab Intro Environ Science > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
PSY 339 1 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Learning Tools
ENG 526 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 3 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENSC 235 0 - Fund of Atmospheric Science > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 0 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
ED 516A 0 - Facil Learn in Math: K-4 Emphasis > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 0 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 0 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Learning Tools
ED 315B 2 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
BIOL 413 0 - Immunology/Serology > Learning Tools
ENG 524C 0 - ST: LGBTQ+ Literature > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 3 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ED 347A 0 - D I: Divrsity Isses Schl > Learning Tools
CILT 910.1 CILT 901.1 - New Sandbox 101.1 > Learning Tools
ENG 310 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
ENG 101 3 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
CILT 900 4 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
ECS 330 0 - Child Development > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools (imported) (imported)
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOWK 317 1 - Social Policy II > Learning Tools
ENG 102 4 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools
ED 549 0 - Child Safety Issues Intern Seminar > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ACCT 480W 0 - Contemporary Issues in Accounting & > Learning Tools
ED 557D 0 - Curr Inst Manag/Assess II > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
BIOL 318W 0 - Genetics > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 1 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ED 524C 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
ENSC 235 0 - Fund of Atmospheric Science > Learning Tools
ED 498AW 1 - Intro Teach Portfolio Assessment > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
SOC 220L 0 - Applied Social Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
BLE 413AW 0 - ELL Methodology and Assessment > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
ED 505 1 - Essential Educational Concepts > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 6 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
CILT 908 38 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ART 372 0 - Professional Practices for Artists > Learning Tools
BLE 411 0 - Hist/Theory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
CILT 903 7 - Faculty Day Demo > Learning Tools
ED 486 0 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
KAJD CILT 908 25 - Editing and Publishing SP21 > Learning Tools
CILT 900 2 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 1 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 7 Videos
NURS 312 0 - Physiological Cncpts in Clincal Rea > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ENG 901 0 - English Bridge 2020 Part 2 > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENSC 240 0 - Introduction to Environmental Chem > Learning Tools
CILT 907 1 - Karen Webster > Learning Tools
NURS 206W 0 - Ethical Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
CHEM 311 0 - Organic Chemistry II > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 3 Video
ECS 425 0 - Ldrshp Thry & Prac Erly Lrng Sites > Panopto
ENG 099B 1 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 0 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
SOWK 366 0 - Substance Abuse Disorders II > Learning Tools
CILT 908 6 - Yuen - Acct > Learning Tools
ED 573 0 - Internship in School Administration > Learning Tools
CHEM 410W 0 - Biochemistry > Learning Tools
ENG 101 0 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
CHEM 310 0 - Organic Chemistry I > Learning Tools
ED 352A 2 - Interdisciplinary App Mth Tch Cnt > Learning Tools
MATH 094 3 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ENG 360A 0 - Literature for Children > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ENSC 321 0 - Geographic Information Systems > Learning Tools
NURS 314 0 - Psychosocial Cnpts in Cln Rsn > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 1 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
BIOL 330W 0 - Molecular and Cell Biology > Learning Tools
BADM 303 1 - ST: Money 101 Personal Finance > Learning Tools
ENGR 202A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 3 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
BADM 373 1 - Principles of Marketing > Learning Tools
ED 328A 1 - Methods in the Arts > Learning Tools
ENG 551 1 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ED 486 0 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
SOWK 366 0 - Substance Abuse Disorders II > Learning Tools
ED 316A Residency - Science Methods I > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
BIOL 318W 0 - Genetics > Learning Tools
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
CILT 903 3 - NURS 206W- Ethical Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 4 Videos
NURS 114W 0 - Personal Knowledge Development > Learning Tools
MATH 140 0 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 2 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
HON 303 0 - Special Topic: Research Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 390 0 - Advanced Topic > Learning Tools
CILT 902 10 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ECS 408 0 - Early Learn Curriculum Domain > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 5 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOC 460W 0 - Social Science Research Mtd > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 908 4 - Kathy > Learning Tools
ART 202 0 - Intro to Digital Photography > Learning Tools
MATH 212 0 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
NURS 306L 0 - Family Nursing Practice Lab > Learning Tools
SOWK 388 0 - Preparation for Field Practicum > Learning Tools
SOWK 310C 0 - Survey of Aging > Learning Tools
ENG 360A 0 - Literature for Children > Learning Tools
CILT 902 9 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
NURS 322L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reasonin III > Learning Tools
NURS 215 0 - Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
CILT 805 1 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
PAM 505 0 - Behavioral Medicine II > Learning Tools
BLE 495AW 1 - Advanced Literacy in Bilingual Educ > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ECON 202 0 - Intro to Macroeconomics > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
ED 486 1 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
NURS 215 0 - Nutrition for Nurses > Learning Tools
ED 407A 1 - Teaching Inq thr Science Eng Prctcs > Learning Tools
MATH 221 2 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
PSY 497 0 - Senior Thesis > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 7 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ART 265 0 - Pottery I > Learning Tools
CHEM 410L 0 - BioChemistry Lab > Learning Tools
HON 303 0 - Special Topic GRE Prep > Learning Tools
ED 317C 2 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ED 557A 0 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
ENG 360A 0 - Literature for Children > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 094 7 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ED 481E 0 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
CILT 908 24 - SB Martin > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 806 8 - Faculty Development - Facilitating an Online Course > Learning Tools
MATH 116 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers I > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
ENG 346 0 - Superheroes > Learning Tools
ENG 303 0 - ST: LGBTQ+ Literature > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
BADM 360 0 - Financial Management > Learning Tools
REL 320W 0 - Comparative World Religions > Learning Tools
NURS 103A 0 - Pre Nursing Pathway > Learning Tools
CRMJ 300 0 - Criminology > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ECS 404 0 - Erly Learn Curr Domains > Learning Tools
ENG 454W 0 - Teaching Comp > Learning Tools
ED 101A 0 - Careers in Education I: Seminar > Learning Tools
CRMJ 390 2 - AT: Colorism in SS > Learning Tools
ED 527A 2 - Curriculum Alignment > Learning Tools
PSY 325W 0 - Developmental Psychology > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ED 524C 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
PSY 335W 0 - Theories of Personality > Learning Tools
ENG 103 1 - ASC Tutor Training > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
BLE 307 0 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
BLE 311 1 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
BIOL 330W 0 - Molecular and Cell Biology > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ART 202 0 - Intro to Digital Photography > Learning Tools
PSY 330 0 - Human Learning & Cognition > Learning Tools
BIOL 318L 0 - Genetics Lab > Learning Tools
ED 407A 0 - Teaching Inq thr Science Eng Prctcs > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 0 - Mental Illness & Diagnosis > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
ED 491M 0 - Specialty Methods in Middle Level Teaching > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 0 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ACCT 326 0 - Intermediate Financial Acct I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
SOWK 388 1 - Preparation for Field Practicum > Learning Tools
ART 356 0 - Ceramic Sculpture II > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOWK 316 1 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ENSC 220 0 - Intro to Climate Studies > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
ACCT 231 0 - Fundamentals of Accounting II > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 2 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ENG 590B 0 - Practicum in Teaching AELP > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 0 - Program Evaluation > Learning Tools
ED 481E 1 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
BADM 344 0 - The Legal Environment of Business > Learning Tools
ED 388 0 - Project-based Tch Lrn Elm Clsrm > Learning Tools
PSY 326 0 - Behavior Modification > Learning Tools
CILT 908 15 - Judy Schott > Learning Tools
CRMJ 450 0 - Crime and Justice in the Movies > Week 6 Video
ENG 454W 0 - Teaching Comp > Learning Tools
SOC 101 1 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 1 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
SOWK 316 0 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 1 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Week 13 Videos
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
ED 486 1 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
PAM 510 0 - Behavioral Medicine III > Learning Tools
ED 567A 0 - Data & Student Achievement > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Learning Tools
MATH 221 1 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
ENG 101 0 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
BLE 522 0 - ESL in the Content Area > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BIOL 318W 0 - Genetics > Learning Tools
ECS 330 0 - Child Development > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 9 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 1 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
SPED 525 0 - Essnt Knowl Skls Spd Edu Teachers > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 324W 0 - Advanced Comp: Writ in the Sciences > Learning Tools
ED 517A 2 - Facilitating Learning in Sciences > Learning Tools
ED 336A Methods in Health/PE (Toppenish) > Learning Tools
ACCT 480W 0 - Contemporary Issues in Accounting & > Learning Tools
BADM 400 0 - Conflict Management and Negotiation > Learning Tools
ED 459W 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
ED 388 0 - Project-based Tch Lrn Elm Clsrm > Learning Tools
NURS 306 0 - Family Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
ED 359 0 - Fcltng Lrn Soc Stu Lit Children > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ART 305 0 - Introduction to Art Therapy > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
SOWK 488W 0 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
ENGR 302A 0 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
NURS 318 0 - Nursing Leadership and Management > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ENSC 380 0 - Introduction to R > Learning Tools
POSC 313 0 - Constitutional Law > Learning Tools
ENG 526 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
SOWK 490 2 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ENG 598B 0 - Thesis II > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 2 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 2 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
SOWK 491 0 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
SOWK 312 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Envirnmt I > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
SOWK 390 0 - AT Child Welfare > Learning Tools
TRIO 201 1 - TRIO Student Support Services > Learning Tools
BIOL 330W 0 - Molecular and Cell Biology > Learning Tools
MCN 301 0 - GRE Prep > Learning Tools
ED 525A 1 - Fac Lear/Soc Stud & Lit/Chil > Learning Tools
ENG 598B 0 - Thesis II > Learning Tools
SPED 437 0 - Curr & Instructional Strat Stu/ModSvr Disability > Learning Tools
CILT 908 37 - Vikki Carpenter > Learning Tools
BIOL 110 0 - General Biology I > Learning Tools
ENG 377W 0 - Research Methods > Learning Tools
PAM 510 0 - Behavioral Medicine III > Learning Tools
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
ED 564A 0 - Creating School Culture > Learning Tools
ED 557A 0 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
BLE 411 0 - Hist/Theory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
CRMJ 371 0 - Interpersonal Comm in Criminal Just > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BIOL 341L 0 - Lab Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ACCT 327 0 - Intermediate Financial Acct II > Learning Tools
ART 402W 0 - Contemporary World Art > Learning Tools
ED 525A 0 - Fac Lear/Soc Stud & Lit/Chil > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 2 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ED 556 0 - Diff Instruct: Multcultural Ed > Learning Tools
NSO 200 0 - New Student Orientation Tran Stu > Learning Tools
MATH 094 2 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 0 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
PSY 101 0 - Introduction to Psychology > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 1 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
ED 481E 4 - Elementary Co-teach Internshp > Learning Tools
BADM 317 0 - Advanced Professional Communication > Learning Tools
NURS 209L 0 - Nursing Procedures Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
MATH 094 1 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ENG 098 0 - College Reading > Learning Tools
ED 317A 0 - Math Methods I > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools 1
ART 355 0 - Ceramic Sculpture I > Learning Tools
MATH 354W 0 - Methods of Teaching Mathematics I > Learning Tools
ED 517A 0 - Facilitating Learning in Sciences > Learning Tools
TPWELL 0 - Test Prep West-E English Language Arts > Learning Tools
ENG 450W 0 - Literary Theory > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315AW 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement & CrimeControl Policies > Learning Tools
SPED 515 0 - Spec Educ Fundamentals K-8 Educator > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
MATH 094 1 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
CILT 903 2 - NURS/DRMA-205 Aesthetics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 2 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
SOWK 306 1 - Social Justice & Diverse Populations > Learning Tools
MATH 116 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers I > Learning Tools
SOC 220 0 - Applied Social Statistics > Learning Tools
ED 101B 0 - Careers in Education I: Practicum > Learning Tools
TRIO 201 0 - TRIO Student Support Services > Learning Tools
CHEM 411 0 - Biochemistry II > Learning Tools
BLE 535 1 - Sociolinguistics > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 1 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
ED 101B 0 - Careers in Education I: Practicum > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 1 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Panopto Lectures
SOWK 459W 2 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools (imported)
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
ED 386 1 - Introduction to STEM Methodology > Learning Tools
ENG 377W 0 - Research Methods > Learning Tools
NURS 306L 0 - Family Nursing Practice Lab > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 2 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
CILT 900 3 - Practice Shell > Learning Tools
ED 519 1 - Facilitating Learning in Health/P.E. > Learning Tools
Eng 900 0 - English Bridge 2020 > Learning Tools
ENG 101 2 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
ED 405C 0 - Advanced Middle and Secondary Pract > Learning Tools
DRMA 206A 0 - Play Production > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 0 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 388 1 - Project-based Tch Lrn Elm Clsrm > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 1 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
SPED 537 0 - Curr & Instruct Strat for Student w/Mod/Sev Disab > Learning Tools
CRMJ 300 0 - Criminology > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
NURS 292L 0 - Health and Physical Assessment Lab > Learning Tools
BLE 532 0 - Culturally Responsive Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENSC 440W 0 - Environ Issues & Ethics > Learning Tools
SOWK 460W 0 - Social Programs/Evaluation > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 1 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
PSY 312 0 - Psychology of Gender and Sexuality > Learning Tools
ART 306W 0 - World Art Hist I (Ancient to 1500) > Learning Tools
SOC 220L 0 - Applied Social Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 1 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
MATH 094 5 - Pre-Algebra & Arithmetic > Learning Tools
ENG 360B 0 - Literature for Young Adults > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BADM 343W 0 - Organizational Behavior and Managem > Learning Tools
ENG 101 2 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
PAM 540 0 - Professional Issues for PhysicianAssistants III > Learning Tools
PSY 420W 1 - Mental Illness & Diagnosis > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
NURS 206W 0 - Ethical Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
BADM 343W 0 - Organizational Behavior and Managem > Learning Tools
CHEM 105 0 - Intermed Gen Chem > Learning Tools
ED 496BW 0 - Senior Capstone Project & Symposium > Learning Tools
PSY 224 0 - Introduction to Case Management > Learning Tools
ED 315B 1 - Intro to Cur/Mgt/Mtd/Ast > Learning Tools
NURS 207 0 - Relationship Based Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 598A 0 - Thesis I > Learning Tools
NURS 306 0 - Family Nursing Inquiry > Learning Tools
ENSC 101 0 - Intro to Environmental Science > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
MATH 221 3 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
ACCT 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
ED 517A 0 - Facilitating Learning in Sciences > Learning Tools
ENG 200 0 - Introduction to Ethnic Literature > Learning Tools
CILT 906 3 - New MyHeritage Course Template > Learning Tools
MATH 140 1 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
SPED 568 2 - Special Education Law > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CRMJ 410B 0 - Mass Murders & Serial Killers > Learning Tools
Social Justice & Diverse Populations (Tuesday) > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools (imported)
CILT 805 2 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
NURS 114W 0 - Personal Knowledge Development > Learning Tools
NURS 300AL 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing Lab > Learning Tools
SOWK 459W 3 - Social Science Research Methods > Learning Tools
SOWK 310A 0 - Survey of Family Violence > Learning Tools
ART 306W 0 - World Art Hist I (Ancient to 1500) > Learning Tools
ACCT 328 0 - Intermediate Financial Acct III > Learning Tools
HIS 205W 0 - Fund of the History of the AmericanPeople II > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 0 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
CHEM 305 0 - Survey of Organic Chem > Learning Tools
ED 517A 1 - Facilitating Learning in Sciences > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
ENG 102 0 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 0 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
BLE 307 0 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
PAM 525 0 - Master's Research Project III > Learning Tools
MATH 221L 0 - Introduction to Statistics Lab > Learning Tools
MATH 095 1 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
MATH 096 1 - Intermediate Algebra > Learning Tools
CHEM 101 0 - Introduction to Chemistry > Learning Tools
ART 355 0 - Ceramic Sculpture I > Learning Tools (imported)
ENG 450W 0 - Literary Theory > Learning Tools
BLE 307 0 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 554 0 - Teaching Composition > Learning Tools
PSY 524 0 - Counseling Skills > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 3 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
CILT 908 14 - Linda Rossow > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
ENG 101 3 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
ART 180 0 - Drawing I > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 0 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 3 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 4 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 3 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ART 265 0 - Pottery I > Learning Tools
CILT 902 2 - BLE 311 Accessible Version > Learning Tools
ED 417C 2 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
MATH 221 1 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
CPSC 101 1 - Intro to Computers > Learning Tools
SOWK 323 0 - Spirituality in Social Work Practice > Learning Tools
BLE 520 10 - History/Theory Bil Ed > Learning Tools
ART 306W 0 - World Art Hist I (Ancient to 1500) > Learning Tools
ENG 350W 2 - Writing for Social Sciences > Learning Tools
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
CILT 902 11 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
NSO 400 0 - New Student Orientation OL > Learning Tools
HIS 444W 0 - Nonviolence in Global History > Learning Tools
ENGR 201A 1 - Applications in Engineering > Learning Tools
ED 516B 0 - Facil Learning in Math: 5-8 Emp > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 3 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
CPSC 330 0 - Databases II > Learning Tools 1
SOWK 390 0 - Advanced Topic > Learning Tools
SOWK 101 0 - Intro to Social Work > Learning Tools
BLE 311 0 - Structure of Language > Learning Tools
ED 557A 1 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
PHYS 211 0 - General Physics I > Learning Tools
ED 410D 0 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
ED 519 0 - Facilitating Learning in Health/P.E. > Learning Tools
MATH 095 0 - Beginning Algebra > Learning Tools
NURS 292L 0 - Health and Physical Assessment Lab > Learning Tools
CHEM 202 0 - Organic and Bio Process of HumanBody > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
MCN 305 0 - Graduation Prep > Learning Tools
ED 317C 0 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
SOWK 488W 0 - Theory of Practice III > Learning Tools
ED 317C 1 - Field Practicum I > Learning Tools
ART 355 0 - Ceramic Sculpture I > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools 1
CILT 805 7 - Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > Learning Tools
ED 359 0 - Fcltng Lrn Soc Stu Lit Children > Learning Tools
CILT 908 34 - Sandbox 1 > Learning Tools
ENG 101 2 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
SOWK 310A 0 - Survey of Family Violence > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
CRMJ 101 0 - Introduction to Criminal Justice > Learning Tools
BADM 490W 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
SOWK 491 3 - Field Practicum II > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 1 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
HIS 102W 1 - World Civilization II > Learning Tools
CHEM 305 0 - Survey of Organic Chem > Learning Tools
PAM 525 0 - Master's Research Project III > Learning Tools
ENG 101 5 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
BADM 343W 0 - Organizational Behavior and Managem > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 1 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ENSC 305 0 - General Ecology > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 2 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
BIOL 417A 0 - Hematology and Hemostasis > Learning Tools
NURS 208 0 - Empirics of Nursing Practice > Learning Tools
ENG 102 1 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
PSY 339 1 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
BIOL 330W 0 - Molecular and Cell Biology > Learning Tools
SOWK 486W 0 - Theory of Practice I > Learning Tools
ACCT 231 0 - Fundamentals of Accounting II > Learning Tools
BLE 532 0 - Culturally Responsive Practice > Learning Tools
SOWK 316 0 - Social Policy I > Learning Tools
ED 496BW 0 - Senior Capstone Project & Symposium > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
SOWK 313 2 - Human Behavior in Soc Enviromt II > Learning Tools
ENG 101 2 - English Composition I > Learning Tools
SOWK 310D 0 - Survey Human Services w/Indig Pple > Learning Tools
MATH 140 2 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 1 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ART 452 0 - Acrylic Painting IV > Learning Tools
CILTSOWK 306 2 - Practice Course > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 1 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
ART 355 0 - Ceramic Sculpture I > Learning Tools
ENG 310 0 - Poetry > Learning Tools
MATH 140L 0 - College Algebra Lab > Learning Tools
ENSC 102 0 - Introduction to EnvironmentalScience II > Learning Tools
ED 410D 0 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
BLE 411 1 - Hist/Theory Bil Ed/ESL > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ART 170 0 - Basic Design I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ED 367 0 - Writing Across Content Area > Learning Tools
BLE 415 0 - Equitable Assessment of ELL > Learning Tools
ED 557A 0 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
ED 557A 1 - Curriculum, Instruction, Mgt., Assessment I > Learning Tools
ED 403 edTPA support SU18 > Learning Tools
ENG 102 5 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
BLE 527 0 - Inst Mthds Teach Bil/ESL > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
CPSC 332 0 - System Administration > Learning Tools
BIOL 341 0 - Human Physiology > Learning Tools
ED 316A Tri Cities > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
NURS 316 0 - Physiological Concepts in ClinicalReasoning II > Learning Tools
BLE 307 5 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
ART 280 0 - Drawing II > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
BLE 307 4 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
CILT 101 0 - Anthony > Learning Tools
BLE 307 1 - Language Acquisition > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 2 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools 1
UNIV 101 8 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
ED 304 1 - Teacher Prep Orientation > Learning Tools
ENG 551 1 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools 1
UNIV 101 2 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
MATH 117 0 - Found Mathematics for Teachers II > Panotpo Lectures
PHSC 121 0 - Principles of Geology > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 3 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
HON 402 0 - Prep for Grad & Prof Stud:Graduate Entrance Exams > Learning Tools
MATH 150L 0 - Trigonometry Lab > Learning Tools
SOWK 322 0 - Practice w/ Persons w/ Spec Needs > Learning Tools
NURS 304 0 - Quality, Safety & Infmtcs Nurs Prac > Learning Tools
PSY 335W 0 - Theories of Personality > Learning Tools
ART 180 1 - Drawing I > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
SOWK 390 1 - AT: ASIST Suicide Intervention > Learning Tools
NURS 310 0 - Pathophysiology for Nurses > Learning Tools
SOC 101 1 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
PAM 550A 0 - Procedures and Diagnostics I > Learning Tools
CPSC 345W 0 - Software Engineering > Learning Tools
CRMJ 345 1 - Criminal Investigation > Learning Tools
CRMJ 315A 0 - Survey of Law Enforcement snf Crime > Week 5 Video
SOWK 487W 0 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
PSY 326 0 - Behavior Modification > Learning Tools
SOWK 475 2 - Child Welfare > Learning Tools
NURS 300A 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ENSC 240 0 - Introduction to Environmental Chem > Learning Tools
BADM 351 0 - Human Resource Management > Learning Tools
PSY 335W 0 - Theories of Personality > Learning Tools
NURS 322L 0 - Physiological Clinical Reasonin III > Learning Tools
SOC 101 0 - Introduction to Sociology > Learning Tools
ED 316A Topp > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
CHEM 305 0 - Survey of Organic Chem > Learning Tools
ENG 341W 0 - Hispanic-Latino/Chicano/Literature > Learning Tools
ED 524C 0 - Advanced Literacy > Learning Tools
BIOL 340L 0 - Lab Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
BIOL 416 0 - Mycology/Parasitology > Learning Tools
ART 307W 0 - World Art Hist II (1500 to Present) > Learning Tools
CILT 903 1 - HIS 102W Sandbox > Learning Tools
MATH 140 1 - College Algebra > Learning Tools
SOWK 430 1 - Ethics in Practice > Learning Tools
BIOL 421 0 - Preclinical Rotation Course > Learning Tools
ENG 598B 0 - Thesis II > Learning Tools
HIS 330 0 - Decolonization & the Repertoire ofRefusal > Learning Tools
MATH 140L 1 - College Algebra Lab > Learning Tools
PSY 325W 1 - Developmental Psychology > Learning Tools
ENG 099A 1 - Pre-College Writing Skills I > Learning Tools
ENSC 101 0 - Intro to Environmental Science > Learning Tools
ENG 490 0 - Internship > Learning Tools
SOWK 317 0 - Social Policy II > Learning Tools
CHEM 110 0 - General Chemistry I > Learning Tools
ECS 330 0 - Child Development > Learning Tools
BIOL 111 0 - General Biology II > Learning Tools
HIS 330 0 - Decolonization & the Repertoire ofRefusal > Learning Tools
CILT 903 0 - ENG 206B Sandbox > Learning Tools
PHIL 210 1 - Logic and Critical Reasoning > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 2 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
CHEM 310 0 - Organic Chemistry I > Learning Tools
ACCT 230 0 - Fundamentals of Accounting I > Learning Tools
CRMJ 360 0 - Police Coummunity Relations > Learning Tools
SOC 305 1 - Culture Diversity & Social Justice > Learning Tools
PAM 610 0 - Community-Based Clinical Experience III > Learning Tools
PAM 535 0 - Professional Issues for PhysicianAssistants II > Learning Tools
PAM 605 0 - Community Based Clinical ExperienceII > Learning Tools
ENG 438 0 - Applied Linguistics > Learning Tools
ECS 333 0 - Assesment of Young Child > Learning Tools
BIOL 101 0 - Biology from a Human Perspective > Learning Tools
PSY 339 1 - Psychology of Adjustment > Learning Tools
SOWK 322 0 - Practice w/ Persons w/ Spec Needs > Learning Tools
UNIV 101 1 - Foundation for Success I > Learning Tools
BLE 522 3 - ESL in the Content Area > Session Recordings
PHIL 310W 0 - Philosophy & Culture > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > PanOpto Lecture Capture
ECS 425 0 - Ldrshp Thry & Prac Erly Lrng Sites > Learning Tools
BIOL 322 0 - Microbiology > Learning Tools
NURS 300AL 0 - Pharmacology for Nursing Lab > Learning Tools
ED 410D 0 - Student Teaching Seminar > Learning Tools
ENG 326W 0 - American Literature II: Modernism to the Present > Learning Tools
ED 505 0 - Essential Educational Concepts > Learning Tools
ART 180 0 - Drawing I > Learning Tools
ENG 315W 0 - Survey of British Literature > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 0 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
NURS 114W 0 - Personal Knowledge Development > Learning Tools
MATH 221 0 - Introduction to Stats > Learning Tools
SOWK 487W 1 - Theory of Practice II > Learning Tools
BLE 415 0 - Equitable Assessment of ELL > Learning Tools
ED 407A 1 - Teaching Inq thr Science Eng Prctcs > Learning Tools
BADM 101 0 - Intro to Business Management > Learning Tools
ENG 551 0 - Technical Writing > Learning Tools
ED 486 1 - Adv STEM Methodolgy Elem Teach > Learning Tools
ENG 101L 0 - English Composition Lab > Learning Tools
ENG 351W 0 - Technical & Report Writing > Learning Tools
ENG 102 3 - English Composition II > Learning Tools
BADM 360 0 - Financial Management > Learning Tools
ENG 099B 0 - Pre-Coll Wrt Sk II > Learning Tools
ENG 325W 0 - American Literature I: Origins to Realism > Learning Tools
BIOL 340 0 - Human Anatomy > Learning Tools
Family Nursing Practice Lab > Family Interview Video
Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > sample panopto assignment
Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > sample panopto assignment
Teacher Prep Orientation > Attended Orientation
Teacher Prep Orientation > Attended Orientation
Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > sample panopto assignment
Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > sample panopto assignment
Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > sample panopto assignment
Faculty Development - Developing an Online Course > sample panopto assignment